Friday, July 4, 2008

Viral Marketing - How to Drive Loads Of Traffic to Your Website With Viral Marketing Techniques by Serge Daudelin


There is perhaps no more powerful method of doing online marketing than that of viral marketing. However, the pity is that small business owners are often not even aware of what this form of marketing is and of course, they won't have a clue as to how to put it to good use for their website.

There is no doubt that viral marketing is very cost beneficial and the best part is that once you have it set, you can then watch it work almost as if it was being run by itself. The fact is that when you use proper viral marketing techniques, you don't need to put in as much time or effort as is the case with search engine optimization or pay-per-click advertising and other forms of marketing.

In fact, viral marketing is very cheap and is easy to implement and once it has been put into use will run on its own with the result that many more people will visit your website despite not advertising actively.

Basically, viral marketing refers to a means of advertising in which a message is passed from one person to the next and it gets the term viral because it is supposed to spread just like a virus spreads. Thus, when you tell your friend about a website you are indulging in viral marketing. Other forms of viral marketing include free software or e-books that are shared by many people, affiliate marketing in which you get paid to inform others about a particular product or service.

To succeed in viral marketing, you need to give others a reason why they should pass along information and this could include offering them a chance to make money by spreading the word, asking you for space in which to advertise in an article that you are writing. It can also be entertaining for you such as when you tell someone a joke which in turn is told to the next person and then on to another person and so on.

The fact is that viral marketing is a very powerful means of advertising and it is especially useful for those who have very limited advertising resources and a slim budget with which to advertise. You only need to be creative as well as put in a bit of effort to succeed in viral marketing.

About the Author

I have just completed my brand new guide to Search Engine Marketing.
Download it free here: Search Engine Optimization Success.
Serge Daudelin is a Search Engine Optimization Specialist.

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