After the explosion of social networking sites such as MySpace, Facebook and Twitter, more and more companies now see the need to implicate viral marketing into their business. No more is there the old, tired, and limited way of marketing, working 10 years to start up company is a thing of the past. Now the only way to achieve life changing results is with viral marketing.
A virus replicates exponentially, there by spreading illness rapidly. Like that, viral marketing is a marketing method, which enables spreading of messages regarding products, rapidly. It is an online version of the word of mouth marketing, network marketing etc. The business technique is a marketing phenomenon, which encourages people passing marketing messages to others, there by creation of exponential growth potential of influence as well as exposure of messages. Viral marketing became a successful and popular form of online marketing, as instantaneous communication through internet became affordable and easy. These viral promotions are possible in to form of interactive games, e-books, video clips, images, text messages, brandable softwares, advergames and many more. Aim of a viral marketer is about creating buzz around a business idea or product, to spread it in a big way amongst people.
Viral marketing depends heavily on person-to-person rate of message passing. If sizable percentage of the message reciepients forwards it to huge number of friends or acquainted, overall growth will be zooming up in no time. If the forward rate of the message by the recipients is low, then the whole exercise will be fatal. Viral marketing demands, identification of individuals with good social contacts. Creation of compelling viral messages is also vital, as they can make good impression on recipients, so that they pass it in a big way. Other wise recipients will read and then discard those messages.
Free advertising, automation of marketing methods, long-term attraction of visitors, immediate visitors’ attraction, exponential growth rate, and inexpensiveness, easy and quicker increase in targeted traffic, quick establishment of solid reputation, easy development of marketing tools etc are some of the benefits of the viral marketing.
For attracting attention, giving away services or products is a common practice. For example, free information, free buttons; free email-services etc. Utilization of already existing networks for communication. That is utilizing the social contacts for spreading the promotional messages through online. Provision of transfer of messages to others effortlessly is essential. Scaling up of transmission of messages, from small number of people to huge, depends upon the usage of mail servers. Exploitation of common behaviours and motivations, for transmission of messages, as greed drives growth. Take leverage out of resources of others like affiliate marketing for faster transmission. These account for an effective viral marketing strategy.
Many companies use viral components for attracting media attention. Some companies uses creative blogs, which lets people to have talks regarding company websites. Accepting comments from the audience is good for connecting with them. For those who have seen the campaign initially, it is important to keep interested. For that showing, sequel of campaign will be good. Never make advertisements for the sake sharing with people like in other marketing methods. Hotmail is an astonishing example of viral marketing. Ponzi scheme, pyramid schemes, multi level marketing etc is some of the earlier viral marketing examples. Now days any event can be campaigned through you tube emails and other sources. Simpler viral marketing concepts for business, has greater chance for its success.
About the Author
This article is provided by Ken King. Ken King is a entrepreneur that specify in Internet Marketing, e-commerce (both online and offline) and software development and supplier.
To learn more about viral marketing visit and you will receive a free 7 video course that will show you how to create, structure, and grow your online business.
Real Case Study Of A Successful Viral Strategy, Viral Marketing Tip - Give Your e-Book Away, 4 Viral Marketing Techniques Using Ebooks Exposed, Web Site Traffic Generation Using Viral Marketing, 7 Free Viral Marketing Strategies, Viral Marketing Using Email Addresses Exposed.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Coordinate the Joint Venture and than half of the battle is already won by Neeraj Walia
As I had mentioned above, it is usually much easier to ally yourself with one company in particular and then find partners for them than it is to be a "matchmaker" - usually, that is. If the company has done joint ventures in the past, than half the battle is already won, and you will likely have success by simply pitching a quality deal. At any rate, once you have both potential partners ready to go, you'll want to make sure that you position yourself as a crucial element within the partnership. If necessary, have both companies sign an agreement that protects your position as a broker within the deal. Do this before the companies "know" each other. Appoint yourself as the manager of the JV (if possible), so that it's execution will depend on you in the beginning stages. This will make it easier for them to understand why you're going to be taking a substantial cut of the money made from the partnership. Additionally, you'll need to educate both of your "clients" in regards to backend profits, "lifetime value of a customer", viral marketing and so on. They need to understand that the up-front profits made initially from the JV - especially in endorsement deals - are only the very beginning of the profit to be made from the arrangement over the long haul... How? Tell them that you're a marketing consultant, and you're looking to build up a strong portfolio by helping other businesses succeed - and that you're only willing to work for a percentage of an increase in sales, or free to begin with (until you pitch the JV). Once they see the value and validity of your advice, they'll trust your decisions. At this point, they'd probably welcome your JV proposal with open arms. This process doesn't have to take a long time. It might not even have to take more than a few hours. The bottom line is that if you see that there is some real, proven potential in this company's product or client base, then this "proving time" will be more than worth it for you in the end... Now, once you've solidified yourself as an ally with this company, you can then basically repeat the process with their potential partners, and so on. Note: This strategy isn't necessarily applicable to every situation - but the principle behind it is. Build trust by being truly helpful, and clearly explain that you will only earn a percentage of the sales that you generate directly. If you encounter any opposition along the way, make sure that you emphasize the following key points: • This deal wouldn't exist without your direct interdiction • You're shouldering all the risk, it's a risk-free, no-cost, all-profit deal for them • The profits from the JV are additional profits that they would NOT have seen if it were not for your concept • You are streamlining the process of the JV; while it's true that it is their hard-earned resources being leveraged, their resources are only worth what your expertise can generate. This is important to mention... As for the mechanics of the joint ventures themselves, they operate exactly the same way as any other JV, except that you're simply managing the process.
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For more useful tips & hints, please browse for more information at our website:-
The Best Way To Generate Free Targeted Website Traffic by Layek Miah
The Best Way To Generate Free Targeted Website Traffic
If you have a website or you promote someone else's' website as an affiliate, you need to drive traffic to it.
Without traffic, you won't get visitors. And without visitors, you won't make money, sales, get subscribers, etc. What good is a website without any traffic? And if the site is getting traffic, what good is it if it's not targeted traffic?
There are many ways to drive traffic to your site, both free and paid. But we are not going to talk about paid traffic right now. That is a totally different topic and could take hours to cover.
So, back to free traffic. Some ways of getting free traffic to your site is by Search Engine Optimization, surfing for traffic, or getting it passively.
SEO takes time and a lot of work. When you join sites that are surf for traffic sites, you have to look at other members' sites in order to earn advertising credits for your site to be displayed when another member is surfing.
The only problem with this is that although the traffic is free, it is not targeted. Everyone who is a member only surfs for the credit and very rarely even looks at the site, they just minimize their window on their PC and multi-task. So, the traffic is crap and worthless.
Now, let's talk about the best way to get free targeted traffic. It's called Instant Buzz. Instant Buzz is a service that gives you advertising credits as you surf the web like you normally would. What you do is download the toolbar for free, it only takes a minute. Then, you set up your ads in the members area. And bam, you ads are being displayed on other members' tool bars as they surf.
You can also put Instant Buzz ads in emails that you send to your friends. These are called mail space ads. And your ad will get displayed in other members' emails. The last thing you can do is put a hyperspace ad on your website which will help you refer other members.
When you refer other members, you will also get a percentage of the credits they earn which will go towards your ad credits.
If someone likes your ad and is interested in what it says, then they click on it and end up on whatever site it was that you were promoting. Now that's targeted traffic! And it was free.
So make sure you visit the link in the resource box to start driving targeted and quality traffic to your website today. It will only take you a couple of minutes to start bringing visitors to your site.
Resource Box Text: To download this free tool or get more information about Instant Buzz, visit
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Check my profile.
If you have a website or you promote someone else's' website as an affiliate, you need to drive traffic to it.
Without traffic, you won't get visitors. And without visitors, you won't make money, sales, get subscribers, etc. What good is a website without any traffic? And if the site is getting traffic, what good is it if it's not targeted traffic?
There are many ways to drive traffic to your site, both free and paid. But we are not going to talk about paid traffic right now. That is a totally different topic and could take hours to cover.
So, back to free traffic. Some ways of getting free traffic to your site is by Search Engine Optimization, surfing for traffic, or getting it passively.
SEO takes time and a lot of work. When you join sites that are surf for traffic sites, you have to look at other members' sites in order to earn advertising credits for your site to be displayed when another member is surfing.
The only problem with this is that although the traffic is free, it is not targeted. Everyone who is a member only surfs for the credit and very rarely even looks at the site, they just minimize their window on their PC and multi-task. So, the traffic is crap and worthless.
Now, let's talk about the best way to get free targeted traffic. It's called Instant Buzz. Instant Buzz is a service that gives you advertising credits as you surf the web like you normally would. What you do is download the toolbar for free, it only takes a minute. Then, you set up your ads in the members area. And bam, you ads are being displayed on other members' tool bars as they surf.
You can also put Instant Buzz ads in emails that you send to your friends. These are called mail space ads. And your ad will get displayed in other members' emails. The last thing you can do is put a hyperspace ad on your website which will help you refer other members.
When you refer other members, you will also get a percentage of the credits they earn which will go towards your ad credits.
If someone likes your ad and is interested in what it says, then they click on it and end up on whatever site it was that you were promoting. Now that's targeted traffic! And it was free.
So make sure you visit the link in the resource box to start driving targeted and quality traffic to your website today. It will only take you a couple of minutes to start bringing visitors to your site.
Resource Box Text: To download this free tool or get more information about Instant Buzz, visit
About the Author
Check my profile.
The Best Adwords Marketing Guide by M. Lord
Imagine how your internet marketing, affiliate marketing, ebook promotion, MLM, or any other form of online advertising could take off if you only knew the best strategy for adwords marketing. Just take a second to reflect on what it would be like to have 5,000 plus visitors a day coming to your site! Imagine the business and how much money you could make.
By now you probably have realized that I am talking about the most popular form of online advertising in the world today! This is known as Google Adwords. This is an advertising program created by Google in which advertisers are able to share there products or services on Google for a price.
Now, many people are turned off by adwords because of the potential cost of running an adwords campaign. However, in the adwords marketing guide I want to show you how that myth has been put to rest. You see Google has complex algorithms that allow only the best ads to be shown on the first page. Now most people beleive whoever pays the most obviously gets the first ad placement. I beg to differ and in fact can tell you in full confidence this is simply not true.
I mean think about it for a minute... how did google get to be the search engine empire that it is today? They overpowered Yahoo and all other primary search engines by providing the absolute most relevant content for the people using the search engines. So, with that said they provide the same service on their pay-per-click ads.
Understanding the aforementioned conecpt is one of the key ingredients in understanding how to make money with google using the adwords marketing guide. Google recognizes the best ads. Not the most expensive ones.
Now that you understand that concept I want to share with you the process of getting cheap clicks and how to use them to generate massive amounts of income online. The secrets that are in this adwords marketing guide are the same ones I and many others are using to acheive an excellent income while working from home. So, for your free report visit and have instant access to the best adwords marketing guide.
About the Author
M. Lord is an affiliate marketer who enjoys sharing with others the secrets of creating a massive income online using the best adwords marketing guide:
By now you probably have realized that I am talking about the most popular form of online advertising in the world today! This is known as Google Adwords. This is an advertising program created by Google in which advertisers are able to share there products or services on Google for a price.
Now, many people are turned off by adwords because of the potential cost of running an adwords campaign. However, in the adwords marketing guide I want to show you how that myth has been put to rest. You see Google has complex algorithms that allow only the best ads to be shown on the first page. Now most people beleive whoever pays the most obviously gets the first ad placement. I beg to differ and in fact can tell you in full confidence this is simply not true.
I mean think about it for a minute... how did google get to be the search engine empire that it is today? They overpowered Yahoo and all other primary search engines by providing the absolute most relevant content for the people using the search engines. So, with that said they provide the same service on their pay-per-click ads.
Understanding the aforementioned conecpt is one of the key ingredients in understanding how to make money with google using the adwords marketing guide. Google recognizes the best ads. Not the most expensive ones.
Now that you understand that concept I want to share with you the process of getting cheap clicks and how to use them to generate massive amounts of income online. The secrets that are in this adwords marketing guide are the same ones I and many others are using to acheive an excellent income while working from home. So, for your free report visit and have instant access to the best adwords marketing guide.
About the Author
M. Lord is an affiliate marketer who enjoys sharing with others the secrets of creating a massive income online using the best adwords marketing guide:
wat duit ngn myspace masyuk by azura
herm... memula skali...aku nk citer psal hal yg agak menarik minat aku sejak akhir² neh... tetibe aku rase nk jd JUTAWAN :)) tapi aku rase tu x mustahil kalo aku tol² nk jd jutawan nye...wehehehe
oleh tu, agak byk la juga site aku pegi meronda lam intenet neh... aku neh ske berangan tp juga seorg yg realistik.. takkn ar aku nk kaya lam sekelip mata :)) dunia neh bknnye cam citer aladin ngn jin die tuh.. uisy kalo ade da lame aku kaya :))
antara site yg aku reronda neh is Myspace Masyuk neh... aku memula nmpk perkataan tuh lam satu surat khabar tempatan... terus ar aku interested tp xde kesempatan nk usha page tuh.. last² aku trnmpk lagi iklan neh kt lam berita harian online ar...

herm...brdasarkn pemerhatian aku n feedback² yg aku bace drpd page org² yg mnggunakan program neh.. ade yg puas ati... :) aku sndiri sbg user pn akhirnye dpt gak buat viral page aku sndiri... wehehehe..syabas²!! utk diri aku sndiri :p walopon pulangan die xde ar brjuta² tp agak memadai ar utk aku melayan karenah adik² aku yg ske minta duit aku utk beli brg utk diorg.. =.=''
tp aku x kesah sbb kt sape lagi aku akn gunakn duit aku tu kalo x kt family aku kn :p well, kalo korg interested nk wat income ngn hny mnghantar komen kt mmber² korg lam friendlist korg..x salah utk mncubakn? aku da skrang neh, aku tgh tggu ia brbuah >:) so aku akn updatekn stiap pngalaman aku mmbuat natang neh >:) wahahaha
About the Author
nothin' much to say ^^ juz d fact i love myself..huhu
oleh tu, agak byk la juga site aku pegi meronda lam intenet neh... aku neh ske berangan tp juga seorg yg realistik.. takkn ar aku nk kaya lam sekelip mata :)) dunia neh bknnye cam citer aladin ngn jin die tuh.. uisy kalo ade da lame aku kaya :))
antara site yg aku reronda neh is Myspace Masyuk neh... aku memula nmpk perkataan tuh lam satu surat khabar tempatan... terus ar aku interested tp xde kesempatan nk usha page tuh.. last² aku trnmpk lagi iklan neh kt lam berita harian online ar...
herm...brdasarkn pemerhatian aku n feedback² yg aku bace drpd page org² yg mnggunakan program neh.. ade yg puas ati... :) aku sndiri sbg user pn akhirnye dpt gak buat viral page aku sndiri... wehehehe..syabas²!! utk diri aku sndiri :p walopon pulangan die xde ar brjuta² tp agak memadai ar utk aku melayan karenah adik² aku yg ske minta duit aku utk beli brg utk diorg.. =.=''
tp aku x kesah sbb kt sape lagi aku akn gunakn duit aku tu kalo x kt family aku kn :p well, kalo korg interested nk wat income ngn hny mnghantar komen kt mmber² korg lam friendlist korg..x salah utk mncubakn? aku da skrang neh, aku tgh tggu ia brbuah >:) so aku akn updatekn stiap pngalaman aku mmbuat natang neh >:) wahahaha
About the Author
nothin' much to say ^^ juz d fact i love myself..huhu
The Easiest Way To Make Money With ClickBank by ncelli
What if your Clickbank® Affiliate ID was listed on thousands of pages and you could finally start making sales and earn commissions through ClickBank? Well now you can and the best thing is it's all on 100% Autopilot and Free!
What is Clickbank?
ClickBank is the Internet's largest digital marketplace, where thousands of the web's most popular products are sold every day. Whether you're looking to buy, sell, or promote digital products, ClickBank is for you. ClickBank affiliates are Internet marketers who earn commissions by promoting ClickBank products. Once you sign up as an affiliate, your internet marketing skills can lead to additional income.
Here are just a few of the features and benefits over 100,000 affiliates can't stop talking about:
* Simple, fast, and free account setup.
* Over 10,000 products to promote.
* Commissions as high as 75%.
* High-converting products drive high ROI on your marketing programs.
* Reliable and accurate tracking gives you credit for your successful marketing strategies.
* We manage the publisher relationships, so you always get paid what you are owed.
* Target new markets with phase one of Platform Globalization, which includes Spanish language products and a currency converter.
* Since our first day of business in 1998, we've never missed a payment.
ClickBank makes it easy to become a successful affiliate. Opening an account and gaining access to our marketplace will provide opportunities you can't afford to miss.
How you can earn money 100% on Autopilot with CBClicks
Here's How CBClicks Works. You sign up at the bottom of this page for Free. All you need is a Clickbank® ID which also Free. If you don't already have a Clickbank ID, you can get one by clicking here.
Once you sign up with CBClicks for free, you simply login into your CBClicks account and get your Clickbank Ad Codes. Your Clickbank® ID Number is now in position #6. As you refer other people to CBClicks your ID moves up in position. You will place the CBClicks Ad Code on your website, blog or the CBClicks Modal Popup.
All you need to do is refer other people to CBClicks to Build Your Ad Network. Position #1 is the most wanted position in the program. People seeing the ads on any page will most likely click on ad #1 before any other ad.
Let me give you an example of how the CBClicks Clickbank ads work. Lets say you have a site on ebooks. You would select "ebooks" on your ad code as your keyword since people coming to your site are already interested in this topic. Now the ads shown in your Ad Code will be about ebooks.
These ads are the top selling ebook products from Clickbank®, so your chance of converting that lead to a sale is highly likely. When a person clicks on an ad with your Clickbank® ID and purchases a product, you earn the commissions from that sale. This is how you make money.
Join CBClicks Here to start earning easy money with Clickbank and displaying 100% targeted ads for free!
About the Author
Thanks for reading my article! I'm a wife and stay at home Mom of two childen. In my spare time I enjoy spending time with family and friends, photography, writing and learning new things. Please take a minute to check out my blogs below.
JUICY Celebrity Gossip & News!
Beauty Discounts
Free Work At Home Info
What is Clickbank?
ClickBank is the Internet's largest digital marketplace, where thousands of the web's most popular products are sold every day. Whether you're looking to buy, sell, or promote digital products, ClickBank is for you. ClickBank affiliates are Internet marketers who earn commissions by promoting ClickBank products. Once you sign up as an affiliate, your internet marketing skills can lead to additional income.
Here are just a few of the features and benefits over 100,000 affiliates can't stop talking about:
* Simple, fast, and free account setup.
* Over 10,000 products to promote.
* Commissions as high as 75%.
* High-converting products drive high ROI on your marketing programs.
* Reliable and accurate tracking gives you credit for your successful marketing strategies.
* We manage the publisher relationships, so you always get paid what you are owed.
* Target new markets with phase one of Platform Globalization, which includes Spanish language products and a currency converter.
* Since our first day of business in 1998, we've never missed a payment.
ClickBank makes it easy to become a successful affiliate. Opening an account and gaining access to our marketplace will provide opportunities you can't afford to miss.
How you can earn money 100% on Autopilot with CBClicks
Here's How CBClicks Works. You sign up at the bottom of this page for Free. All you need is a Clickbank® ID which also Free. If you don't already have a Clickbank ID, you can get one by clicking here.
Once you sign up with CBClicks for free, you simply login into your CBClicks account and get your Clickbank Ad Codes. Your Clickbank® ID Number is now in position #6. As you refer other people to CBClicks your ID moves up in position. You will place the CBClicks Ad Code on your website, blog or the CBClicks Modal Popup.
All you need to do is refer other people to CBClicks to Build Your Ad Network. Position #1 is the most wanted position in the program. People seeing the ads on any page will most likely click on ad #1 before any other ad.
Let me give you an example of how the CBClicks Clickbank ads work. Lets say you have a site on ebooks. You would select "ebooks" on your ad code as your keyword since people coming to your site are already interested in this topic. Now the ads shown in your Ad Code will be about ebooks.
These ads are the top selling ebook products from Clickbank®, so your chance of converting that lead to a sale is highly likely. When a person clicks on an ad with your Clickbank® ID and purchases a product, you earn the commissions from that sale. This is how you make money.
Join CBClicks Here to start earning easy money with Clickbank and displaying 100% targeted ads for free!
About the Author
Thanks for reading my article! I'm a wife and stay at home Mom of two childen. In my spare time I enjoy spending time with family and friends, photography, writing and learning new things. Please take a minute to check out my blogs below.
JUICY Celebrity Gossip & News!
Beauty Discounts
Free Work At Home Info
What Is YOUR Viral Marketing Strategy? by JD Reilly
Do you have one? Do you really understand what “Viral Marketing†is?
So many Internet marketers like to throw around the term “Viral Marketing†to sound smart, savvy and cool. But the truth is, very few really “get it.†Just because you WANT something to be “VIRAL†doesn’t mean it will be!
“Viral Marketing†simply put, is where you’re giving away something of value so the recipient will WANT to pass it on to others...right? Yes, but not quite. “Viral Marketing†describes ANY strategy that encourages individuals to pass on a marketing message to others, creating the potential for exponential growth through the exposure and influence of the message.
So it spreads like a “VIRUS.â€
Do you or have you ever had a Hotmail address? This was one of the Internet’s first highly-successful Viral-Marketing campaigns. Think about what the smart minds at Hotmail pulled off. They gave away email addresses AND service. And they attached a tagline at the bottom of every email message sent. “Get your private email account.†(Or, something to that effect.) Then, they simply stood back as people emailed their network of friends, family and business contacts all over the globe.
A simple, BRILLIANT strategy.
Soon it becomes, “WOW! All my friends are using Hotmail. I want to use it too!â€
An effective Viral Marketing strategy should incorporate some sort of giveaway OR natural viral element that begs to be passed on and does NOT scream “sales-pitch.â€
It could be a controversial or newsworthy video or a humorous email or a special report that deals with a unique solution to a problem affecting certain individuals.
Make sense?
You also need to make it brain-dead simple for people to pass your message on to others. Make it scalable.
• Make it exciting!
• Make it interesting!
• Make it newsworthy!
• Controversy sells!
• Solve a common problem for your marketplace!
Begin with an end in mind because ultimately you're promoting YOUR products and services.
WHY should anyone feel the urgency to pass on your message to others? Do you ask them to do so? Do you provide simple instructions? Your marketing "virus" will die a quick death if you don't incorporate these critical elements.
Remember this point, the quickest way to KILL any Viral Marketing message is to be BORING!
Dress up your PDF files with cute graphics and cartoon style characters to add more personality and pizzazz to your e-books and special reports. By doing this you will deliver more impact, increase readability, boost profits, create a viral effect (if executed properly), and most important of all you will stand out from the “sea†of boooriiiing PDFers!
About the Author
JD Reilly is committed to helping others succeed at internet marketing with tested and proven products and strategies. The success is built upon-A focused target market, A product people are hungry for, A marketing strategy and Automation. His latest program, social traffic explosion, provides everything you need to know about driving a lot of traffic into your website and may be found at:
So many Internet marketers like to throw around the term “Viral Marketing†to sound smart, savvy and cool. But the truth is, very few really “get it.†Just because you WANT something to be “VIRAL†doesn’t mean it will be!
“Viral Marketing†simply put, is where you’re giving away something of value so the recipient will WANT to pass it on to others...right? Yes, but not quite. “Viral Marketing†describes ANY strategy that encourages individuals to pass on a marketing message to others, creating the potential for exponential growth through the exposure and influence of the message.
So it spreads like a “VIRUS.â€
Do you or have you ever had a Hotmail address? This was one of the Internet’s first highly-successful Viral-Marketing campaigns. Think about what the smart minds at Hotmail pulled off. They gave away email addresses AND service. And they attached a tagline at the bottom of every email message sent. “Get your private email account.†(Or, something to that effect.) Then, they simply stood back as people emailed their network of friends, family and business contacts all over the globe.
A simple, BRILLIANT strategy.
Soon it becomes, “WOW! All my friends are using Hotmail. I want to use it too!â€
An effective Viral Marketing strategy should incorporate some sort of giveaway OR natural viral element that begs to be passed on and does NOT scream “sales-pitch.â€
It could be a controversial or newsworthy video or a humorous email or a special report that deals with a unique solution to a problem affecting certain individuals.
Make sense?
You also need to make it brain-dead simple for people to pass your message on to others. Make it scalable.
• Make it exciting!
• Make it interesting!
• Make it newsworthy!
• Controversy sells!
• Solve a common problem for your marketplace!
Begin with an end in mind because ultimately you're promoting YOUR products and services.
WHY should anyone feel the urgency to pass on your message to others? Do you ask them to do so? Do you provide simple instructions? Your marketing "virus" will die a quick death if you don't incorporate these critical elements.
Remember this point, the quickest way to KILL any Viral Marketing message is to be BORING!
Dress up your PDF files with cute graphics and cartoon style characters to add more personality and pizzazz to your e-books and special reports. By doing this you will deliver more impact, increase readability, boost profits, create a viral effect (if executed properly), and most important of all you will stand out from the “sea†of boooriiiing PDFers!
About the Author
JD Reilly is committed to helping others succeed at internet marketing with tested and proven products and strategies. The success is built upon-A focused target market, A product people are hungry for, A marketing strategy and Automation. His latest program, social traffic explosion, provides everything you need to know about driving a lot of traffic into your website and may be found at:
How to make money On-Line by self-publishing digital media content by Jim Grady,Tk Flowers
By Jim Grady and T.K. Flowers Founders of the citizen journalism site [2] Everybody wants to make more money. Everyone has a story to tell. Why not combine the two and make money from your stories?
Introduction: The fastest growing segment of the online information market is user-generated content, now referred to as digital media content. User-generated digital media content is the powerful marketing force that has spurred the growth of several start-ups like YouTube and Facebook. TheseWeb properties have gone from zero to multi billion-dollar values in less than four years. The mission of this article is to outline how producers of digital media content, including bloggers, writers, vloggers etc. can, by self-publishing their own content online, harness the powerful social-marketing force of digital content to build their own virtually unlimited income streams. Digital Media Content Digital media content is any and all content that is produced, stored, transmitted, saved and/or distributed through or on a computer or digital device and the Internet. It includes, but is not limited to written opinions, articles, videos, photographs, Podcasts, audio recordings, software, games and messages.
Digital Media Distribution What’s wrong with this picture? Current Online media distribution and why you do not make money. MySpace, Flikr and YouTube helped pioneer the online user-generated digital content creation and distribution platform. All had different reasons behind their foundation, but the underlying force generating their explosive usage is the same; it is the power to publish, transmit and distribute personal digital content. These pioneers are all great companies, provide great value to consumers and are now worth millions of dollars; they are worth millions of dollars because of your digital content. Digital media content draws hundreds of millions of visitors to sites daily. Advertisers then bid to place ads targeted toward their large volume of unique visitors. Google, the most profitable of ad-supported Internet companies, uses ad bidding in online searching to create gross revenues of $15 billion a year. The Internet ad market is estimated close to $20 billion a year and expected to double within seven years. YouTube, MySpace, Facebook, Flickr and Wikipedia were not initially set-up to create any revenue streams. So when they actually started turning a profit, it was based on these companies generating income to pay back investors or to increase market value. Basically, these companies are growing exponentially by billions of dollars a year solely through the FREE content of their users. This begs the question: in what other creative market do media content generators get zero reward while the distributor gets 100 percent? The answer to that question is none! In the music industry, hundreds of people became multimillionaires through their songs. Film, TV, print, radio, music and publishing markets all pay handsome rewards for good content. J.K. Rowling, author of the Harry Potter series, is worth more than a billion dollars thanks to her wizard fantasy books. So what is your content worth? We will show you how to make money from self-publishing your digital media content online. Self-Publishing: The Solution“Content Producers†as the center of new media distribution. The premise of this article is to outline how self-publishing digital content can be a powerful new shift in the online information market and to illustrate how citizen journalists can profit from this new trend.
How Content Makes Money Google is the most profitable Internet-based company. Google’s secret is simple; it uses other people’s digital content. Google searches and indexes Web sites all over the Internet and makes them findable for users. Google then sells advertising that is associated with keywords contained in the users search. Marketers pay Google for specific keywords in a search associated with their ad campaigns. Social Media, User-generated Content and Advertising MySpace, Facebook, YouTube and Flickr are the leading platforms in their target markets for user-generated content. These sites billion dollar values in a few short years for two reasons; they have large member audiences and enormous amounts of user-generated content.
The Audience and Digital Content TV programming is developed for and dependent upon segmented audiences. There are specific TV markets that drive content an example audience are those that love to observe how the legal system works, so there are several variations of Law and Order. For aspiring celebrities, American Idol. Good content attracts great audiences, and advertisers pay billions of dollars to target them. Another prime example is the Super Bowl, where advertisers will pay $1 million to $2 million for a 30-second commercial to be viewed by an audience of 100 million. The TV analogy has moved to the Internet, but in micro-fashion. When Google sells a keyword associated with a search, it has just sold a specific audience of one to a marketer. For that specific audience, Google can charge a fortune.
The Digital Rate Game: What Google and other online ad servers do is auction the specific audience to the marketers at differing rates based on demographics and demand. For example, an American searching for expensive wine might cost more to target than someone from a Third-World country looking for a description of a tree. Online rates can vary based upon whether the user clicks on the ad (CPC, cost per click) or just because the ad was viewed (CPM, cost per one thousand impressions). There are many variations of ads but we are using these two as examples. The ads are bought and sold on volume of 1,000 consumers seeing the ads. Ads run from one cent per thousand to as high $100 per thousand, with video ads normally getting the highest averages.
Monetizing Self Publishing We all know that Web sites and other people are making money off of your content. So how do you go about making money and building income for yourself? In order to find out, we must look inside typical content sites, utilizing a news-based site as an example. We will call our news site receives from Google or another ad server $5 per one thousand impressions per unique visitors on average, and has two such ads per page for a total of $10 CPM. If 1 million people viewed a story on, then would gross $10,000. If the owner of the story had negotiated an agreement to share revenues from all of their content with before they published the story, say for instance at a 10% revenue share, then the content producer would earn $1,000. If that same story had 10 million views, the content owner could receive $10,000 under this scenario. Now let’s look at videos, which carry higher advertising rates. Say a producer published a video at and it received a higher ad rate of $25 CPM; the producer could receive $2,500 or$25,000 using the same formula above. This may not seem like a lot, but read on: Building Long-Term Income: Your Digital Assets Receiving $2,500 from a video may not seem like much, but what if you had 100 videos or 500 articles, or 1,000 pictures/images. Getty makes hundreds of millions of dollars just supplying digital images. Let’s look at the same scenario above, but now using bulk numbers of content. We will use the news video here to make it easier to see and explain. In two months, content producer ABZ has produced 100 news videos and published them at is receiving $25 per 1,000 views (CPM) per video. ABZ’s digital video assets would generate revenue as follows: 1: ABZ’s 100 videos are each getting an average of 10,000 monthly views. This would equal 1 million views for all of ABZ’s content, which, if ABZ has a 10% revenue share, would generate $2,500 in monthly gross revenue. 2: ABZ’s videos average 100,000 views each month at the same rate, ABZ generates $25,000 a month in revenue. 3: ABZ’S videos average 1 million views in a month, ABZ would generate $250,000 in monthly revenue. Side note: There are many videos on YouTube each month that generate 1 million views or more Lets add Text and images to ABZ’s revenues. Digital Images ABZ publishes 1,000 images with each receiving 1,000 views a month equaling 1,000,000 unique image views a month at a rate 1/5 of above stated rates for videos. The images would generate about $500 a month. Text/Image /Articles ABZ has 500 published text articles, each receiving 2,000 unique views per month, equaling 1 million unique views. Text articles receive twice the rate of standalone images and would generate $1,000 a month. ABZ’s portfolio of video, text articles and images *100 videos=$2500 *Images=$500 *Text articles=$1,000 The totaling of each group of Content with 1 million unique views equal $4,000 a month in revenue.
Where Self-Publishers Go To Make Money/The Rise of Revenue-Sharing User Generated Publishing Portals:
Social media sites like MySpace and YouTube were the first phase of user-generated content; the next phase is publishing portals that enable content producers to publish digital content and also share revenues. We outline three such Revenue-Sharing Portals A new phase of portals is beginning to come to market that will help the content producers immensely, and change the dynamics of Digital Content markets. We term these Revenue Sharing Publishing portals.
(A) Associated Content.Com Associated Content acts like an article submission directory but with the added feature of paying commissions to content producers; below is the business description found on their website. Associated Content is a platform that enables everyone to publish their content in any format on any topic and then distributes that content to engaged audiences through its website and content partners. Those who contribute to Associated Content's ad-supported collection of original text, video, audio and images gain exposure and often earn cash for their participation. The amount of money you make at Associated Content is unlimited. All of the content you publish can earn you money via Performance Payments, which currently pays you a baseline PPM�,,� rate of $1.50 for every thousand page views your content receives. As you generate more page views and submit more content, your clout level rises - and your Performance Payments do too! Performance Payments allow you to earn unlimited cash from your text, video, slideshow and audio submissions long after they have been published. You earn money for every thousand-page views your content generates (PPM�,,� rate). The baseline PPM�,,� rate is currently $1.50 �" meaning if you generate 30,000 page views, your paid $45.00 in Performance Payments. The more content you submit and more page views it generates, the higher your PPM�,,� rate gets.
(B) Babelation is a user-generated news and information-focused portal. It is the creation of this article’s authors. Babelation was founded in order to fulfill the need for a portal that highlights and broadcasts, in real-time, user�"generated news as well as supplying a platform for content producers to monetize their content. Babelation enables publishing of video, text and images alone and/or in combination. Babelation pays a varying monthly rate to content producers The minimum revenue share is 10% and can be as high as 25%. Babelation‘s model differs from Associated Content in that the content producer receives the same percentage of revenue generated by their content even when higher rates are gained. Associated Content pays out the same rate for video/text and or image even if they gain a higher rate. Babelation, in some instances, would pay out a higher percentage to a content producer when it receives higher CPM rates, for instance, when a video would garner a higher rate than a text-based article. Babelation’s philosophy behind its percentage rates versus standardized rates enables it to offer more lucrative revenue return to content producers for their high demand content. (c). Revver Revver is a video-sharing platform. It is not focused in a single category, but is more diverse like YouTube, with the exception that Revver pays content producers a percentage of revenues ala Babelation; Revver limits content to just video. Links See this story with all links and references at
About the Author
Jim and Ted are 20 year technology entrepreneurs
Introduction: The fastest growing segment of the online information market is user-generated content, now referred to as digital media content. User-generated digital media content is the powerful marketing force that has spurred the growth of several start-ups like YouTube and Facebook. TheseWeb properties have gone from zero to multi billion-dollar values in less than four years. The mission of this article is to outline how producers of digital media content, including bloggers, writers, vloggers etc. can, by self-publishing their own content online, harness the powerful social-marketing force of digital content to build their own virtually unlimited income streams. Digital Media Content Digital media content is any and all content that is produced, stored, transmitted, saved and/or distributed through or on a computer or digital device and the Internet. It includes, but is not limited to written opinions, articles, videos, photographs, Podcasts, audio recordings, software, games and messages.
Digital Media Distribution What’s wrong with this picture? Current Online media distribution and why you do not make money. MySpace, Flikr and YouTube helped pioneer the online user-generated digital content creation and distribution platform. All had different reasons behind their foundation, but the underlying force generating their explosive usage is the same; it is the power to publish, transmit and distribute personal digital content. These pioneers are all great companies, provide great value to consumers and are now worth millions of dollars; they are worth millions of dollars because of your digital content. Digital media content draws hundreds of millions of visitors to sites daily. Advertisers then bid to place ads targeted toward their large volume of unique visitors. Google, the most profitable of ad-supported Internet companies, uses ad bidding in online searching to create gross revenues of $15 billion a year. The Internet ad market is estimated close to $20 billion a year and expected to double within seven years. YouTube, MySpace, Facebook, Flickr and Wikipedia were not initially set-up to create any revenue streams. So when they actually started turning a profit, it was based on these companies generating income to pay back investors or to increase market value. Basically, these companies are growing exponentially by billions of dollars a year solely through the FREE content of their users. This begs the question: in what other creative market do media content generators get zero reward while the distributor gets 100 percent? The answer to that question is none! In the music industry, hundreds of people became multimillionaires through their songs. Film, TV, print, radio, music and publishing markets all pay handsome rewards for good content. J.K. Rowling, author of the Harry Potter series, is worth more than a billion dollars thanks to her wizard fantasy books. So what is your content worth? We will show you how to make money from self-publishing your digital media content online. Self-Publishing: The Solution“Content Producers†as the center of new media distribution. The premise of this article is to outline how self-publishing digital content can be a powerful new shift in the online information market and to illustrate how citizen journalists can profit from this new trend.
How Content Makes Money Google is the most profitable Internet-based company. Google’s secret is simple; it uses other people’s digital content. Google searches and indexes Web sites all over the Internet and makes them findable for users. Google then sells advertising that is associated with keywords contained in the users search. Marketers pay Google for specific keywords in a search associated with their ad campaigns. Social Media, User-generated Content and Advertising MySpace, Facebook, YouTube and Flickr are the leading platforms in their target markets for user-generated content. These sites billion dollar values in a few short years for two reasons; they have large member audiences and enormous amounts of user-generated content.
The Audience and Digital Content TV programming is developed for and dependent upon segmented audiences. There are specific TV markets that drive content an example audience are those that love to observe how the legal system works, so there are several variations of Law and Order. For aspiring celebrities, American Idol. Good content attracts great audiences, and advertisers pay billions of dollars to target them. Another prime example is the Super Bowl, where advertisers will pay $1 million to $2 million for a 30-second commercial to be viewed by an audience of 100 million. The TV analogy has moved to the Internet, but in micro-fashion. When Google sells a keyword associated with a search, it has just sold a specific audience of one to a marketer. For that specific audience, Google can charge a fortune.
The Digital Rate Game: What Google and other online ad servers do is auction the specific audience to the marketers at differing rates based on demographics and demand. For example, an American searching for expensive wine might cost more to target than someone from a Third-World country looking for a description of a tree. Online rates can vary based upon whether the user clicks on the ad (CPC, cost per click) or just because the ad was viewed (CPM, cost per one thousand impressions). There are many variations of ads but we are using these two as examples. The ads are bought and sold on volume of 1,000 consumers seeing the ads. Ads run from one cent per thousand to as high $100 per thousand, with video ads normally getting the highest averages.
Monetizing Self Publishing We all know that Web sites and other people are making money off of your content. So how do you go about making money and building income for yourself? In order to find out, we must look inside typical content sites, utilizing a news-based site as an example. We will call our news site receives from Google or another ad server $5 per one thousand impressions per unique visitors on average, and has two such ads per page for a total of $10 CPM. If 1 million people viewed a story on, then would gross $10,000. If the owner of the story had negotiated an agreement to share revenues from all of their content with before they published the story, say for instance at a 10% revenue share, then the content producer would earn $1,000. If that same story had 10 million views, the content owner could receive $10,000 under this scenario. Now let’s look at videos, which carry higher advertising rates. Say a producer published a video at and it received a higher ad rate of $25 CPM; the producer could receive $2,500 or$25,000 using the same formula above. This may not seem like a lot, but read on: Building Long-Term Income: Your Digital Assets Receiving $2,500 from a video may not seem like much, but what if you had 100 videos or 500 articles, or 1,000 pictures/images. Getty makes hundreds of millions of dollars just supplying digital images. Let’s look at the same scenario above, but now using bulk numbers of content. We will use the news video here to make it easier to see and explain. In two months, content producer ABZ has produced 100 news videos and published them at is receiving $25 per 1,000 views (CPM) per video. ABZ’s digital video assets would generate revenue as follows: 1: ABZ’s 100 videos are each getting an average of 10,000 monthly views. This would equal 1 million views for all of ABZ’s content, which, if ABZ has a 10% revenue share, would generate $2,500 in monthly gross revenue. 2: ABZ’s videos average 100,000 views each month at the same rate, ABZ generates $25,000 a month in revenue. 3: ABZ’S videos average 1 million views in a month, ABZ would generate $250,000 in monthly revenue. Side note: There are many videos on YouTube each month that generate 1 million views or more Lets add Text and images to ABZ’s revenues. Digital Images ABZ publishes 1,000 images with each receiving 1,000 views a month equaling 1,000,000 unique image views a month at a rate 1/5 of above stated rates for videos. The images would generate about $500 a month. Text/Image /Articles ABZ has 500 published text articles, each receiving 2,000 unique views per month, equaling 1 million unique views. Text articles receive twice the rate of standalone images and would generate $1,000 a month. ABZ’s portfolio of video, text articles and images *100 videos=$2500 *Images=$500 *Text articles=$1,000 The totaling of each group of Content with 1 million unique views equal $4,000 a month in revenue.
Where Self-Publishers Go To Make Money/The Rise of Revenue-Sharing User Generated Publishing Portals:
Social media sites like MySpace and YouTube were the first phase of user-generated content; the next phase is publishing portals that enable content producers to publish digital content and also share revenues. We outline three such Revenue-Sharing Portals A new phase of portals is beginning to come to market that will help the content producers immensely, and change the dynamics of Digital Content markets. We term these Revenue Sharing Publishing portals.
(A) Associated Content.Com Associated Content acts like an article submission directory but with the added feature of paying commissions to content producers; below is the business description found on their website. Associated Content is a platform that enables everyone to publish their content in any format on any topic and then distributes that content to engaged audiences through its website and content partners. Those who contribute to Associated Content's ad-supported collection of original text, video, audio and images gain exposure and often earn cash for their participation. The amount of money you make at Associated Content is unlimited. All of the content you publish can earn you money via Performance Payments, which currently pays you a baseline PPM�,,� rate of $1.50 for every thousand page views your content receives. As you generate more page views and submit more content, your clout level rises - and your Performance Payments do too! Performance Payments allow you to earn unlimited cash from your text, video, slideshow and audio submissions long after they have been published. You earn money for every thousand-page views your content generates (PPM�,,� rate). The baseline PPM�,,� rate is currently $1.50 �" meaning if you generate 30,000 page views, your paid $45.00 in Performance Payments. The more content you submit and more page views it generates, the higher your PPM�,,� rate gets.
(B) Babelation is a user-generated news and information-focused portal. It is the creation of this article’s authors. Babelation was founded in order to fulfill the need for a portal that highlights and broadcasts, in real-time, user�"generated news as well as supplying a platform for content producers to monetize their content. Babelation enables publishing of video, text and images alone and/or in combination. Babelation pays a varying monthly rate to content producers The minimum revenue share is 10% and can be as high as 25%. Babelation‘s model differs from Associated Content in that the content producer receives the same percentage of revenue generated by their content even when higher rates are gained. Associated Content pays out the same rate for video/text and or image even if they gain a higher rate. Babelation, in some instances, would pay out a higher percentage to a content producer when it receives higher CPM rates, for instance, when a video would garner a higher rate than a text-based article. Babelation’s philosophy behind its percentage rates versus standardized rates enables it to offer more lucrative revenue return to content producers for their high demand content. (c). Revver Revver is a video-sharing platform. It is not focused in a single category, but is more diverse like YouTube, with the exception that Revver pays content producers a percentage of revenues ala Babelation; Revver limits content to just video. Links See this story with all links and references at
About the Author
Jim and Ted are 20 year technology entrepreneurs
Using Viral Marketing To Make Money Online by Christina Kyo
Do you want to make money from home using viral marketing? Like most people, you've probably heard the phrase "viral marketing" but you don't really know what it means. defines viral marketing as "any marketing technique that induces Web sites or users to pass on a marketing message to other sites or users, creating a potentially exponential growth in the message's visibility and effect."
In other words, someone posts in forums or emails a few people about a certain topic (a specific product or service) with the hope that they will find it compelling enough to spread the word about it, too. Consider viral marketing to be a type of chain letter, but without the usual promise of bad luck for not forwarding it along.
In order to practice viral marketing, you need to have something to sell. There are several options. The simplest way is to create your own product. Ebooks are great for this. Use a topic you already know a lot about. The subject can be as broad as "Freshwater Fish Care," or as specific as "How To Care for Albino Bushy-Nosed Plecos" (going after such a specific small audience is called "niche marketing").
Now that you have your ebook, you will need to sell it. There are many ways to go about doing this. For starters, you can sell it yourself. Get your own website and put your viral marketing plan into action! There are also people you can find that want to sell your ebook for you! These are called affiliates. There are many sources of free information on the internet that can give you ideas about how to market your ebook and find affiliates. Here's a good place to start.
If you're not a good writer (or can't think of a good subject)- No problem! You can buy resale rights for ebooks written by other authors and sell them using your name! This is known as re-branding. Again, there's lots of information on the web about how to do this.
One more way to use viral marketing is to be an affiliate and market existing products. You can earn a percentage of the sales you generate. There's an enourmous range of items you can be an affiliate for. There are "real" products (like jewelry, beauty products, diet pills, etc.), services (like mentoring home business start-ups or newbie stock traders), and informational products (like our favorite- the ebook!).
I gave viral marketing a whirl after I read Harvey Segal's free ebook The Ultimate SuperTip.
Please note that this article is original material. I've summed up the info I've been researching on the internet. There are no copied quotes from any stock sales listings.
I read this book and decided to sign on after doing MANY Google searches to see if it was a scam. I was amazed that I never came across even one negative comment about the Supertip book! Do your own search and check the results. I only found positive reviews.
Harvey Segal is known to be one of the top internet marketing gurus. He's known for his work with ClickBank and for his "SuperTips" ebooks. He has many other ebooks dealing with different areas of internet marketing, but this one is FREE.
The SuperTip ebook has much more information about the subjects I've discussed in this article. However, the most amazing area of the book is the much appreciated "Chapter 5." It explains that the book itself is a great example of viral marketing. You also learn how to sign up for the affiliate program. It's a great deal- it pays 100%! Pretty nifty idea, right? Read the free ebook to see how it's done!
After I saw that there wasn't anything to indicate a scam, I wanted to learn how much cash people are really making with this. I did more internet searches. The profits reported ranged from $50 to $600 per month. So it probably won't make you filthy rich, but it can generate some extra money. Small, but continuous income of any type is a wonderful thing!
If you don't want to become an affiliate, it's still worth reading for all the great internet marketing info. No personal information is asked for to get the ebook. You don't even need to give your email address so you won't get put on any irritating mailing lists for spam. And you can't beat free!
Reading The Ultimate SuperTip is an easy way to learn more about making money from home with viral marketing!
About the Author
I'm a stay at home mom with a son that has Asperger's Syndrome (a type of high functioning autism). I can't work in a traditional job setting, so I've been researching ways to make money from home. Please visit my blog at for more info.
In other words, someone posts in forums or emails a few people about a certain topic (a specific product or service) with the hope that they will find it compelling enough to spread the word about it, too. Consider viral marketing to be a type of chain letter, but without the usual promise of bad luck for not forwarding it along.
In order to practice viral marketing, you need to have something to sell. There are several options. The simplest way is to create your own product. Ebooks are great for this. Use a topic you already know a lot about. The subject can be as broad as "Freshwater Fish Care," or as specific as "How To Care for Albino Bushy-Nosed Plecos" (going after such a specific small audience is called "niche marketing").
Now that you have your ebook, you will need to sell it. There are many ways to go about doing this. For starters, you can sell it yourself. Get your own website and put your viral marketing plan into action! There are also people you can find that want to sell your ebook for you! These are called affiliates. There are many sources of free information on the internet that can give you ideas about how to market your ebook and find affiliates. Here's a good place to start.
If you're not a good writer (or can't think of a good subject)- No problem! You can buy resale rights for ebooks written by other authors and sell them using your name! This is known as re-branding. Again, there's lots of information on the web about how to do this.
One more way to use viral marketing is to be an affiliate and market existing products. You can earn a percentage of the sales you generate. There's an enourmous range of items you can be an affiliate for. There are "real" products (like jewelry, beauty products, diet pills, etc.), services (like mentoring home business start-ups or newbie stock traders), and informational products (like our favorite- the ebook!).
I gave viral marketing a whirl after I read Harvey Segal's free ebook The Ultimate SuperTip.
Please note that this article is original material. I've summed up the info I've been researching on the internet. There are no copied quotes from any stock sales listings.
I read this book and decided to sign on after doing MANY Google searches to see if it was a scam. I was amazed that I never came across even one negative comment about the Supertip book! Do your own search and check the results. I only found positive reviews.
Harvey Segal is known to be one of the top internet marketing gurus. He's known for his work with ClickBank and for his "SuperTips" ebooks. He has many other ebooks dealing with different areas of internet marketing, but this one is FREE.
The SuperTip ebook has much more information about the subjects I've discussed in this article. However, the most amazing area of the book is the much appreciated "Chapter 5." It explains that the book itself is a great example of viral marketing. You also learn how to sign up for the affiliate program. It's a great deal- it pays 100%! Pretty nifty idea, right? Read the free ebook to see how it's done!
After I saw that there wasn't anything to indicate a scam, I wanted to learn how much cash people are really making with this. I did more internet searches. The profits reported ranged from $50 to $600 per month. So it probably won't make you filthy rich, but it can generate some extra money. Small, but continuous income of any type is a wonderful thing!
If you don't want to become an affiliate, it's still worth reading for all the great internet marketing info. No personal information is asked for to get the ebook. You don't even need to give your email address so you won't get put on any irritating mailing lists for spam. And you can't beat free!
Reading The Ultimate SuperTip is an easy way to learn more about making money from home with viral marketing!
About the Author
I'm a stay at home mom with a son that has Asperger's Syndrome (a type of high functioning autism). I can't work in a traditional job setting, so I've been researching ways to make money from home. Please visit my blog at for more info.
How to Spot a Telemarketing Scam by sas_dr_ahmed_anies
Spotting a telemarketing scam is not always as easy as one thinks. After all, if it was, why would so many phone consumers fall prey to telephone fraud every year? What makes solicitation scams so difficult to detect? Part of the problem is that most people already have a great dislike for telemarketers and when it comes down to it, they wouldn ' t know the difference between an aggressive sales person or a con artists. The other reason why a scam is hard to recognize is because most telephone customers don ' t know their own privacy rights or the rules that apply to legitimate telemarketing firms.
If you are not aware, you should know that telemarketing companies are required to supplant the laws stipulated by the Telephone Consumer Protection Act ( TCPA ). By insightful what these laws are, you will have an easier continuance unique between a scammer and a telemarketer. To parcel out you an abstraction, here are some warning cipher of a telemarketing scam you should pocket watch for:
- The caller does not spot themselves or their company after providing you shadow their address. Telemarketing agents are required to introduce themselves as able-bodied as the company they are representing. The company should have an actual proper name, and not impersonate referred to as " the greatest ", " the largest " or " the cool ", etc. ( I. E. " I ' m calling on benefit of the greatest security company supremacy the sphere " ).
- The caller is rushing terminated the sales pitch, is avoiding answering your questions, and appears to hold office network a accelerate to engender a sale. A reputable company will yield their turn to natter camouflage you, and assist you learn what is being offered. They want your business, and are not attempting to make fast money. They will take the time to answer your questions. Any caller that is selling aggressively and tries to bully you into the deal by telling you what they are offering is a " one time deal ", is not someone with honest intentions.
- You have been told you won a free gift or prize, but you need to pay a small shipping fee. Any free gift, etc., you have to pay for is not free, nor is it worth your time. Never pay for a free gift, or provide your personal information in exchange for one either.
- You are asked to provide your personal identification information. There is no reason for any phone solicitor to ask you for your bank account or credit card number, social security number, driver ' s license information, address, etc., especially when you have not agreed to make a purchase. Moreover, always ask the caller why they are collecting this information.
What you need to remember is if any telemarketing call sounds suspicious, or you are not sure what is being offered, always tell the caller " No thank you " and hang up the phone. Never provide your personal information over the phone without knowing who you are giving it to. Finally, remember that the only way you will stop telemarketers and annoying calls is if you know your rights as a phone consumer and can recognize a true telemarketer from a false one.
About the Author
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If you are not aware, you should know that telemarketing companies are required to supplant the laws stipulated by the Telephone Consumer Protection Act ( TCPA ). By insightful what these laws are, you will have an easier continuance unique between a scammer and a telemarketer. To parcel out you an abstraction, here are some warning cipher of a telemarketing scam you should pocket watch for:
- The caller does not spot themselves or their company after providing you shadow their address. Telemarketing agents are required to introduce themselves as able-bodied as the company they are representing. The company should have an actual proper name, and not impersonate referred to as " the greatest ", " the largest " or " the cool ", etc. ( I. E. " I ' m calling on benefit of the greatest security company supremacy the sphere " ).
- The caller is rushing terminated the sales pitch, is avoiding answering your questions, and appears to hold office network a accelerate to engender a sale. A reputable company will yield their turn to natter camouflage you, and assist you learn what is being offered. They want your business, and are not attempting to make fast money. They will take the time to answer your questions. Any caller that is selling aggressively and tries to bully you into the deal by telling you what they are offering is a " one time deal ", is not someone with honest intentions.
- You have been told you won a free gift or prize, but you need to pay a small shipping fee. Any free gift, etc., you have to pay for is not free, nor is it worth your time. Never pay for a free gift, or provide your personal information in exchange for one either.
- You are asked to provide your personal identification information. There is no reason for any phone solicitor to ask you for your bank account or credit card number, social security number, driver ' s license information, address, etc., especially when you have not agreed to make a purchase. Moreover, always ask the caller why they are collecting this information.
What you need to remember is if any telemarketing call sounds suspicious, or you are not sure what is being offered, always tell the caller " No thank you " and hang up the phone. Never provide your personal information over the phone without knowing who you are giving it to. Finally, remember that the only way you will stop telemarketers and annoying calls is if you know your rights as a phone consumer and can recognize a true telemarketer from a false one.
About the Author
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How To Do Viral Marketing by Robert Burghardt
How To Do Viral Marketing
How To Do Viral Marketing. Viral marketing is an unique and extraordinary phenonenom. You share, on the internet, your self, product or service. You make the information available through social networking, video, SEO, advertising or, most likely, all of the above. Everybody knows somebody, and just like rumors, this information can spread fast.
You can use viral tactics to market a newsletter, a blog, a web site, products or services, practically anything and you could have an opportunity to make a profit. The beauty of this technique is that the advertising is free (except for some work from you to set things up), and there is a benefit for the user/potential customer, which is; you may provide them with what they desire. In other words, it is really a "win/win situation".
The process is not complicated, however, it does require some commitment. What you need to do is to analyze your resources. Find something that you can offer that your visitors want, then provide the information in a comprehensible form and watch them roll on in! That is How To Do Viral Marketing.
If you have a certain degree of experience, free web hosting is another way to implement viral marketing. You can provide this for free, on your server, to small businesses or beginning internet marketers. In return, you will place a banner ad at the top of each site advertising your products and web site. This will increase the number of visitors to your website and is an effective means of advertising at little expense.
The concept of viral marketing is an old idea made new again by the Internet, word of mouth advertising has been recognized as a worthwhile marketing tool for thousands of years.
Some other techniques are:
Create an interest - 1. Pursue what is happening now. 2. Give them something to talk about. 3. Package your product or service tightly. Your buzz or viral blurb needs to be short,sweet and make the point.
Online video and audio - Online multimedia advertising is really taking off. User attention can be captured and ads stand out from the crowd in an increasingly ad-cluttered online environment.
Offer a free download of an eBook
Write Articles- write original articles (or have them ghost written) and attach your own bio or resource box to the end of the article, along with a link to your website or your opt-in page.
The Viral Marketing Value of e-mail- Viral Marketing using e-mail is not an objective, it is part of a campaign strategy that is used to achieve objectives. In order to achieve greater branding success exposure, you craft your e-mail message or offer in a way that it encourages pass-along. You must be careful with how you structure your e-mail campaign so you are not accused of SPAM.
Get Your Viral e-mail Forwarded - Getting recipients of your viral advertising e-mail to forward it to their friends and coworkers is not as hard as it sounds. The whole trick is to make them WANT to share it and thereby share your advertisement. Because entertainment has value, interactive content like a quiz or test can inspire forwarding, especially if it is fun. Personality tests, fitness quizzes, or compatibility questionnaires are all things that people find interesting.
Write a Blog - These days, everybody is blogging and you can incorporate blogging into your sales marketing and have a lot more success.
The Viral Marketing Value of Online Forums - Recently, forum marketing has been touted as a kind of free, organic, viral marketing, but because so many marketers go into forums purely with the intention of marketing products or services, their actions and attitude unwittingly cause the exact opposite of the desired effect. This type of marketing has already suffered some abuse and because of this, many forums have recently developed stringent rules designed to protect their members from abusive or overly-aggressive marketing tactics. Marketers must respect that the purpose of a forum is to be a platform to exchange ideas on a given topic. It is not there to advertise products and services. By focusing on the topic and posting questions and answers, your reputation will grow and this creates the potential for sales naturally.
In summary, Viral Marketing is any advertising and/or marketing technique that, once started, spreads uncontrolably. And You are the one who can start it at "ground zero". That Is How To Do Viral Marketing.
The author has strived to be as accurate and complete as possible in the research of this article, notwithstanding the fact that there is no warranty or representation at any time that the contents within are accurate due to the rapidly changing nature of the Internet.
While all attempts have been made to verify information provided , the Author assumes no responsibility for errors, omissions, or contrary interpretation of the subject matter herein. Any perceived slights of specific persons, peoples, or organizations are unintentional.
This Article is an overview of some of the most common methods relating to how to do viral marketing. In practical advice with articles and books, like anything else in life, there are no guarantees of income made. Readers are cautioned to take action based on their own judgment and to act accordingly based on their individual and unique circumstances.
There is no guarantee, expressed or implied, that any individual will make any money or achieve any desired result from using the techniques explained in this Article.
This Article is not intended for use as a source of legal, business, accounting or financial advice. All readers are advised to seek services of competent professionals in legal, business, accounting, and finance field. As with all business endeavors, there is an inherent risk of loss of capital and/or other assets.
About the Author
Need help to create your own effective Viral Marketing campaign?? Click this link
How To Do Viral Marketing. Viral marketing is an unique and extraordinary phenonenom. You share, on the internet, your self, product or service. You make the information available through social networking, video, SEO, advertising or, most likely, all of the above. Everybody knows somebody, and just like rumors, this information can spread fast.
You can use viral tactics to market a newsletter, a blog, a web site, products or services, practically anything and you could have an opportunity to make a profit. The beauty of this technique is that the advertising is free (except for some work from you to set things up), and there is a benefit for the user/potential customer, which is; you may provide them with what they desire. In other words, it is really a "win/win situation".
The process is not complicated, however, it does require some commitment. What you need to do is to analyze your resources. Find something that you can offer that your visitors want, then provide the information in a comprehensible form and watch them roll on in! That is How To Do Viral Marketing.
If you have a certain degree of experience, free web hosting is another way to implement viral marketing. You can provide this for free, on your server, to small businesses or beginning internet marketers. In return, you will place a banner ad at the top of each site advertising your products and web site. This will increase the number of visitors to your website and is an effective means of advertising at little expense.
The concept of viral marketing is an old idea made new again by the Internet, word of mouth advertising has been recognized as a worthwhile marketing tool for thousands of years.
Some other techniques are:
Create an interest - 1. Pursue what is happening now. 2. Give them something to talk about. 3. Package your product or service tightly. Your buzz or viral blurb needs to be short,sweet and make the point.
Online video and audio - Online multimedia advertising is really taking off. User attention can be captured and ads stand out from the crowd in an increasingly ad-cluttered online environment.
Offer a free download of an eBook
Write Articles- write original articles (or have them ghost written) and attach your own bio or resource box to the end of the article, along with a link to your website or your opt-in page.
The Viral Marketing Value of e-mail- Viral Marketing using e-mail is not an objective, it is part of a campaign strategy that is used to achieve objectives. In order to achieve greater branding success exposure, you craft your e-mail message or offer in a way that it encourages pass-along. You must be careful with how you structure your e-mail campaign so you are not accused of SPAM.
Get Your Viral e-mail Forwarded - Getting recipients of your viral advertising e-mail to forward it to their friends and coworkers is not as hard as it sounds. The whole trick is to make them WANT to share it and thereby share your advertisement. Because entertainment has value, interactive content like a quiz or test can inspire forwarding, especially if it is fun. Personality tests, fitness quizzes, or compatibility questionnaires are all things that people find interesting.
Write a Blog - These days, everybody is blogging and you can incorporate blogging into your sales marketing and have a lot more success.
The Viral Marketing Value of Online Forums - Recently, forum marketing has been touted as a kind of free, organic, viral marketing, but because so many marketers go into forums purely with the intention of marketing products or services, their actions and attitude unwittingly cause the exact opposite of the desired effect. This type of marketing has already suffered some abuse and because of this, many forums have recently developed stringent rules designed to protect their members from abusive or overly-aggressive marketing tactics. Marketers must respect that the purpose of a forum is to be a platform to exchange ideas on a given topic. It is not there to advertise products and services. By focusing on the topic and posting questions and answers, your reputation will grow and this creates the potential for sales naturally.
In summary, Viral Marketing is any advertising and/or marketing technique that, once started, spreads uncontrolably. And You are the one who can start it at "ground zero". That Is How To Do Viral Marketing.
The author has strived to be as accurate and complete as possible in the research of this article, notwithstanding the fact that there is no warranty or representation at any time that the contents within are accurate due to the rapidly changing nature of the Internet.
While all attempts have been made to verify information provided , the Author assumes no responsibility for errors, omissions, or contrary interpretation of the subject matter herein. Any perceived slights of specific persons, peoples, or organizations are unintentional.
This Article is an overview of some of the most common methods relating to how to do viral marketing. In practical advice with articles and books, like anything else in life, there are no guarantees of income made. Readers are cautioned to take action based on their own judgment and to act accordingly based on their individual and unique circumstances.
There is no guarantee, expressed or implied, that any individual will make any money or achieve any desired result from using the techniques explained in this Article.
This Article is not intended for use as a source of legal, business, accounting or financial advice. All readers are advised to seek services of competent professionals in legal, business, accounting, and finance field. As with all business endeavors, there is an inherent risk of loss of capital and/or other assets.
About the Author
Need help to create your own effective Viral Marketing campaign?? Click this link
How To Use Viral Marketing To Build Traffic To Your Website. by Andy Machin
Viral marketing is one of the most effective ways of driving traffic to your website with little effort on your part. With viral marketing, you can send your marketing message to selected recipients who then pass on that message to others. Viral marketing is easy and affordable, so anyone can do it.
If you have high quality products, your marketing message will be passed on to many people. Internet marketers want to pass on high quality products or services to their own lists. So the more appealing your products are, the quicker your marketing message will get spread all over the internet, and this will generate huge volumes of traffic to your website.
You can carry out your viral marketing campaign by creating e-books, reports or articles and distribute them to targeted recipients, giving them for free. Any internet marketer can do this; since it simply involves creating the product, pass it on and let other people pass it on further for you. Key examples of how you can do viral marketing are as follows.
Offer high quality products that spread your marketing message. Write well-researched reports and e-books on your niche and add your URL on these reports. Many people like getting free reports and e-books. These e-books will provide very powerful information on your topic, and people who read them will visit your website. Further distribution of your reports and e-book will result in more traffic to your website as well as increased awareness of your business or brand.
You can also offer a free service or product on your web site that spreads your message to an increasing number of people who hear about it. Send out news releases concerning the free service or product available on your site. This in turn will generate huge volumes of traffic to your website.
Setting up an affiliate program that encourages links to your products can also be helpful. If you can afford it, provide attractive financial incentive for other sites to pass on your marketing message. You can also install a ‘Recommend it†referral system on your website so that other internet marketers will pass on your website address to their lists. By having your own affiliates promoting your website, you drive a lot of traffic to your website.
Use traffic exchange programs where you exchange website links with other internet marketers. When you add your website link to another site, some people may be interested in it, and they may bookmark it or pass it on to other people who may be interested in your niche.
Write good quality articles and encourage other webmasters to post them for free as content on their sites. If you're an expert in a niche, write an article on that niche and give it away for free to complementary sites to post on their site as free content, so long as the article contains links to your site.
Write high quality articles and distribute them online for free with reprinting rights. More directories, newsletters and e-zines will publish your article with your resource box and URL. With little effort, your URL will be distributed all over the internet, and this will lead to a huge flow of traffic to your website.
Use the power of viral marketing to spread your marketing message all over the internet and drive high volumes of traffic to your website.
Download your free viral ebook and see how I have gained and maintained number 1 search engine positions regardless of google page rank. Visit today for your free ebook.
About the Author
Download your free viral ebook and see how I have gained and maintained number 1 search engine positions regardless of google page rank. Visit today for your free ebook.
If you have high quality products, your marketing message will be passed on to many people. Internet marketers want to pass on high quality products or services to their own lists. So the more appealing your products are, the quicker your marketing message will get spread all over the internet, and this will generate huge volumes of traffic to your website.
You can carry out your viral marketing campaign by creating e-books, reports or articles and distribute them to targeted recipients, giving them for free. Any internet marketer can do this; since it simply involves creating the product, pass it on and let other people pass it on further for you. Key examples of how you can do viral marketing are as follows.
Offer high quality products that spread your marketing message. Write well-researched reports and e-books on your niche and add your URL on these reports. Many people like getting free reports and e-books. These e-books will provide very powerful information on your topic, and people who read them will visit your website. Further distribution of your reports and e-book will result in more traffic to your website as well as increased awareness of your business or brand.
You can also offer a free service or product on your web site that spreads your message to an increasing number of people who hear about it. Send out news releases concerning the free service or product available on your site. This in turn will generate huge volumes of traffic to your website.
Setting up an affiliate program that encourages links to your products can also be helpful. If you can afford it, provide attractive financial incentive for other sites to pass on your marketing message. You can also install a ‘Recommend it†referral system on your website so that other internet marketers will pass on your website address to their lists. By having your own affiliates promoting your website, you drive a lot of traffic to your website.
Use traffic exchange programs where you exchange website links with other internet marketers. When you add your website link to another site, some people may be interested in it, and they may bookmark it or pass it on to other people who may be interested in your niche.
Write good quality articles and encourage other webmasters to post them for free as content on their sites. If you're an expert in a niche, write an article on that niche and give it away for free to complementary sites to post on their site as free content, so long as the article contains links to your site.
Write high quality articles and distribute them online for free with reprinting rights. More directories, newsletters and e-zines will publish your article with your resource box and URL. With little effort, your URL will be distributed all over the internet, and this will lead to a huge flow of traffic to your website.
Use the power of viral marketing to spread your marketing message all over the internet and drive high volumes of traffic to your website.
Download your free viral ebook and see how I have gained and maintained number 1 search engine positions regardless of google page rank. Visit today for your free ebook.
About the Author
Download your free viral ebook and see how I have gained and maintained number 1 search engine positions regardless of google page rank. Visit today for your free ebook.
Bymakemoney - Make Money Online at Home from your Website Of Your Choice. by Make Money at Home
Check out more the amazing things you can do and experience with Keyword Elite...
Rapidly generate massive keyword lists of 50,000+ keywords for your content websites, or pay per click campaigns, in record time.
Quickly and Easily locate high priced keywords for use with your content websites. (You will Profit like MAD with this one!)
Uncover hidden 'niche markets' so profitable that your competitors will wish they had found it first and curse the day you were born. (Heck they might just pay YOU to find niche markets for them! Talk about easy money.)
How to generate traffic even if you don't want to spend time and money on it. Organic traffic generation does take time and effort to accomplish but...I'll show you how to totally get around that problem in no time!
Discover a trick that will get search engines to display your website in the top of their listings FAST!
A magical secret that reveals exactly how to format your website so you dramatically increase your traffic!.
Find out why some of your keywords are just not getting enough traffic...and how you can beat your competition to the finish line by taking advantage of that fact.
Find out why your niche market product idea may not be the best thing to do and why it would be wise for you to become aware of other potential markets that are waiting for you to tap into!
Unearth the keywords that will automatically generate low-cost traffic and quick sales!
How to guarantee your niche product gets noticed among the gazillion different niche products being offered on the Internet today!
How to legally and ethically spy on your competitors and stay undercover at all times! You'll know their every move and beat them in the market race, while simultaneously increasing your sales and profits!
Create products on-the-fly when you find the hidden gems that no one else knows about. (I love this one!)
Discover THE cheapest way to generate high quality, high-end sales to do it...what keywords are best... and you don't have to pay some high priced lead generation company for them!
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Instantly have the power to generate hoards of targeted traffic from ALL of the major search engines using the secret in Project #1.
Uncover hidden 'niche markets' so profitable -- your competitors will wish they had found it first and curse the day you were born! (Heck they might just pay YOU to find niche markets for them! Talk about easy money.)
The secret right-click feature, hidden away from plain view, that allows you to generate high quality, content rich, optimized pages on the fly.
About the Author
Make Money at Home
Rapidly generate massive keyword lists of 50,000+ keywords for your content websites, or pay per click campaigns, in record time.
Quickly and Easily locate high priced keywords for use with your content websites. (You will Profit like MAD with this one!)
Uncover hidden 'niche markets' so profitable that your competitors will wish they had found it first and curse the day you were born. (Heck they might just pay YOU to find niche markets for them! Talk about easy money.)
How to generate traffic even if you don't want to spend time and money on it. Organic traffic generation does take time and effort to accomplish but...I'll show you how to totally get around that problem in no time!
Discover a trick that will get search engines to display your website in the top of their listings FAST!
A magical secret that reveals exactly how to format your website so you dramatically increase your traffic!.
Find out why some of your keywords are just not getting enough traffic...and how you can beat your competition to the finish line by taking advantage of that fact.
Find out why your niche market product idea may not be the best thing to do and why it would be wise for you to become aware of other potential markets that are waiting for you to tap into!
Unearth the keywords that will automatically generate low-cost traffic and quick sales!
How to guarantee your niche product gets noticed among the gazillion different niche products being offered on the Internet today!
How to legally and ethically spy on your competitors and stay undercover at all times! You'll know their every move and beat them in the market race, while simultaneously increasing your sales and profits!
Create products on-the-fly when you find the hidden gems that no one else knows about. (I love this one!)
Discover THE cheapest way to generate high quality, high-end sales to do it...what keywords are best... and you don't have to pay some high priced lead generation company for them!
The Ultimate Method to finding the cheapest high traffic keywords around... that no one knows about.
Instantly have the power to generate hoards of targeted traffic from ALL of the major search engines using the secret in Project #1.
Uncover hidden 'niche markets' so profitable -- your competitors will wish they had found it first and curse the day you were born! (Heck they might just pay YOU to find niche markets for them! Talk about easy money.)
The secret right-click feature, hidden away from plain view, that allows you to generate high quality, content rich, optimized pages on the fly.
About the Author
Make Money at Home
How to Choose a Content Writing Service by Candice Pardue
How to Choose a Content Writing Service
Choosing a content writing service might sound easy, but it can be one of the most difficult tasks you'll encounter. Content writing services are available all over the Web, but not all are created equal. Some focus on low prices, some on the ability to keyword articles for promotion, some on quality of writing, etc.
To find the content writing service that's best for you, first determine what's important to you. Do you need lots of site content quickly? Do you need high quality writing for an educated audience? Do you want to pay the lowest price possible for your content? Determine these issues before you start your search.
Create a List of Possible Topics
Before contacting a content writing service, develop a list of possible topics. These don't have to be actual article titles, but general ideas about your article needs. This will enable you to communicate easily with the writer, and the writer will know exactly what you need from the start.
Check Out the Latest Content Offering of Top Quality Writing Services
Content writing services sometimes offer specials during their slow periods. You can take advantage of these content offerings and get great deals on high quality content. Don't hesitate to shop around a while if you're not in a big hurry. Find writers who can write in the style you enjoy reading, and contact several content writing services with your proposal. Ask to see examples of their work and try to avoid discussing price until you decide the writer might be the right one for the job.
Negotiating a Price for Content
When contacting a content writing service, content rate negotiations should be based on the possibility of a long-term relationship, not article quantity. In other words, if a writer feels you will hire them again and again, they may offer a special discount on content writing. Also, some content writers might sell off some of their pre-written content articles for usage or at a lower price than usual.
Keep in mind that the discount might not be a "deep discount" if the writer believes firmly in quality work. Most quality-focused writers would rather charge more and spend adequate time on each article than provide low-quality (fast, sloppy) writing at cheaper rates. For example, instead of investing $65 per article, you might invest $60 per article as a long-term customer. The discount doesn't seem much, but will add up over time. For 25 articles, that's a savings of $125!
**SIDE NOTE: As a writer myself, I don't like to discuss price until I know all the details of the customer's needs. Quantity of articles doesn't normally affect my rates because honestly, I can't write any faster just because someone orders 20 articles instead of 10.
Hiring Foreign Writers
Writers who do not live in your native land might write wonderfully for your website, and at a great low content price. But some might demonstrate serious grammar problems because they do not speak your language fluently. The best way to hire foreign writers is to read many samples of their work and compare with basic grammar rules and good sentence structure. Do the articles make sense, or will they need lots of corrections? If you're a busy entrepreneur, you probably won't have time to make corrections on all your articles, even if it means saving a buck.
Test a Content Writing Service
Before agreeing to work with a content writing service on a long-term basis, buy a couple of test articles to try out their writing for your particular topics. This will help you determine if the writer comprehends what you're looking for in website content.
Use these tips to choose the right content writing service for you. You can add valuable content to your website and increase traffic, all while enjoying your new-found writer!
About the Author
Candice Pardue is a content writer providing unique and pre-written rights managed articles for website SEO purposes. She is the owner of
Choosing a content writing service might sound easy, but it can be one of the most difficult tasks you'll encounter. Content writing services are available all over the Web, but not all are created equal. Some focus on low prices, some on the ability to keyword articles for promotion, some on quality of writing, etc.
To find the content writing service that's best for you, first determine what's important to you. Do you need lots of site content quickly? Do you need high quality writing for an educated audience? Do you want to pay the lowest price possible for your content? Determine these issues before you start your search.
Create a List of Possible Topics
Before contacting a content writing service, develop a list of possible topics. These don't have to be actual article titles, but general ideas about your article needs. This will enable you to communicate easily with the writer, and the writer will know exactly what you need from the start.
Check Out the Latest Content Offering of Top Quality Writing Services
Content writing services sometimes offer specials during their slow periods. You can take advantage of these content offerings and get great deals on high quality content. Don't hesitate to shop around a while if you're not in a big hurry. Find writers who can write in the style you enjoy reading, and contact several content writing services with your proposal. Ask to see examples of their work and try to avoid discussing price until you decide the writer might be the right one for the job.
Negotiating a Price for Content
When contacting a content writing service, content rate negotiations should be based on the possibility of a long-term relationship, not article quantity. In other words, if a writer feels you will hire them again and again, they may offer a special discount on content writing. Also, some content writers might sell off some of their pre-written content articles for usage or at a lower price than usual.
Keep in mind that the discount might not be a "deep discount" if the writer believes firmly in quality work. Most quality-focused writers would rather charge more and spend adequate time on each article than provide low-quality (fast, sloppy) writing at cheaper rates. For example, instead of investing $65 per article, you might invest $60 per article as a long-term customer. The discount doesn't seem much, but will add up over time. For 25 articles, that's a savings of $125!
**SIDE NOTE: As a writer myself, I don't like to discuss price until I know all the details of the customer's needs. Quantity of articles doesn't normally affect my rates because honestly, I can't write any faster just because someone orders 20 articles instead of 10.
Hiring Foreign Writers
Writers who do not live in your native land might write wonderfully for your website, and at a great low content price. But some might demonstrate serious grammar problems because they do not speak your language fluently. The best way to hire foreign writers is to read many samples of their work and compare with basic grammar rules and good sentence structure. Do the articles make sense, or will they need lots of corrections? If you're a busy entrepreneur, you probably won't have time to make corrections on all your articles, even if it means saving a buck.
Test a Content Writing Service
Before agreeing to work with a content writing service on a long-term basis, buy a couple of test articles to try out their writing for your particular topics. This will help you determine if the writer comprehends what you're looking for in website content.
Use these tips to choose the right content writing service for you. You can add valuable content to your website and increase traffic, all while enjoying your new-found writer!
About the Author
Candice Pardue is a content writer providing unique and pre-written rights managed articles for website SEO purposes. She is the owner of
What's a Vlog, and How Can it Help Your Web Promotion? by Sherice Jacob
A Vlog, or video blog, is a unique spin on the popular blogging concept. Rather than posting entries to your blog, a vlog is a video entry - much like the popular videos shown on YouTube and MySpace video.
But before you think posting video blogs is just something teenagers do - think again. There's a huge audience out there watching video clips right now - and if yours is catchy or unique enough - you'll see a stampede of traffic to your website in a very short time.
But how do you make a video people will want to watch? And how do you add it to your website and to video sharing sites? Here's how:
1. Don't make it into a sales pitch - No one wants to hear about how great your product is: unless you can show it in a way that puts a twist on the normal marketing campaign. For example, you could showcase the amazing stories of some of your clients who have experienced spectacular results with your product or service. Come up with unique and creative ways to get the word out in a way that will make other people want to share your video with their friends.
2. Let them create the video for you - Some companies encourage budding video producers to make a clip for them - and then let people vote on the winner(s). Some notable brands that have done this include Doritos and Coca-Cola. The good news is, you don't have to have a huge budget to get some creative inspiration from your product buyers. Plus, allowing other people to vote on the winner helps spread the word like wildfire.
3. Make them take action - and evaluate it. To see if your new vlog campaign is working for your business, be sure to tie your video in to a measurable action such as signing up to get a free trial. Each person who views your vlog may not ultimately turn into a sale, but you can use the information you've captured to help market to this fresh new audience.
4. Get the word out - The last step is to post it on popular video sharing sites. Most notably, add your video to the following sites: (Myspace Video)
That will help make sure that word is spread as quickly as possible - and you get the kind of results (and buzz) you're looking for!
About the Author
P.S. If you enjoyed reading this article, you can find even more web design tips at
iElectrify specializes in creating professional, affordable and creative websites that get results. With a strong background in internet marketing and niche marketing, works with small to medium-sized businesses to help them easily create and manage their own websites.
But before you think posting video blogs is just something teenagers do - think again. There's a huge audience out there watching video clips right now - and if yours is catchy or unique enough - you'll see a stampede of traffic to your website in a very short time.
But how do you make a video people will want to watch? And how do you add it to your website and to video sharing sites? Here's how:
1. Don't make it into a sales pitch - No one wants to hear about how great your product is: unless you can show it in a way that puts a twist on the normal marketing campaign. For example, you could showcase the amazing stories of some of your clients who have experienced spectacular results with your product or service. Come up with unique and creative ways to get the word out in a way that will make other people want to share your video with their friends.
2. Let them create the video for you - Some companies encourage budding video producers to make a clip for them - and then let people vote on the winner(s). Some notable brands that have done this include Doritos and Coca-Cola. The good news is, you don't have to have a huge budget to get some creative inspiration from your product buyers. Plus, allowing other people to vote on the winner helps spread the word like wildfire.
3. Make them take action - and evaluate it. To see if your new vlog campaign is working for your business, be sure to tie your video in to a measurable action such as signing up to get a free trial. Each person who views your vlog may not ultimately turn into a sale, but you can use the information you've captured to help market to this fresh new audience.
4. Get the word out - The last step is to post it on popular video sharing sites. Most notably, add your video to the following sites: (Myspace Video)
That will help make sure that word is spread as quickly as possible - and you get the kind of results (and buzz) you're looking for!
About the Author
P.S. If you enjoyed reading this article, you can find even more web design tips at
iElectrify specializes in creating professional, affordable and creative websites that get results. With a strong background in internet marketing and niche marketing, works with small to medium-sized businesses to help them easily create and manage their own websites.
Generate Free Traffic With Viral Marketing by Travis Liu
Viral marketing is basically infecting people to market for you through word of mouth. Let take a look at for example, they gave away free email account and every email message sent out there was a link at the bottom that offer end user free email account and from there Hotmail’s popularity grew overnight.
Blue Mountain Arts is a virtual greeting card company that also uses viral marketing effectively to grow their popularity. Basically they offer people free card to send to their friends and family and people who received the cards are invited back to the website to send free cards in reply.
You can learn from these two companies how they use viral marketing by keeping it simple but effective. You can also do the same by offering free product or service that can benefit people and drive traffic back to your site.
Besides offering free product or service, there are many ways you can make your message go viral. Here is a list which I’m taking directly from Mike Filsaimes viral marketing ebook title “Virology.â€
a) Worth Talking About b) Innovative c) Fresh/New d) Controversial e) Funny f) Heart-Warming g) Taboo h) Secretive i) Anticipation j) Inspirational
Remember when using these methods of viral marketing you do not want this to appear as an ad most of the time, but it’s more about entertaining people and at the same time you have your message weave into these elements to get your messages out to people without them realizing this is an ad.
One of the best medium you can use to get your message go viral is using video. If you have a great imagination and creativity and able to capture all this in a video, your viral marketing could be huge as people could simply watch it and tell their friends and so on and this could spread like wildfire.
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As always you can learn how to generate targeted traffic by going to
For more information on internet network marketing you can visit my HubPages by going to
Blue Mountain Arts is a virtual greeting card company that also uses viral marketing effectively to grow their popularity. Basically they offer people free card to send to their friends and family and people who received the cards are invited back to the website to send free cards in reply.
You can learn from these two companies how they use viral marketing by keeping it simple but effective. You can also do the same by offering free product or service that can benefit people and drive traffic back to your site.
Besides offering free product or service, there are many ways you can make your message go viral. Here is a list which I’m taking directly from Mike Filsaimes viral marketing ebook title “Virology.â€
a) Worth Talking About b) Innovative c) Fresh/New d) Controversial e) Funny f) Heart-Warming g) Taboo h) Secretive i) Anticipation j) Inspirational
Remember when using these methods of viral marketing you do not want this to appear as an ad most of the time, but it’s more about entertaining people and at the same time you have your message weave into these elements to get your messages out to people without them realizing this is an ad.
One of the best medium you can use to get your message go viral is using video. If you have a great imagination and creativity and able to capture all this in a video, your viral marketing could be huge as people could simply watch it and tell their friends and so on and this could spread like wildfire.
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As always you can learn how to generate targeted traffic by going to
For more information on internet network marketing you can visit my HubPages by going to
Explode Your Sales Overnight by Big Earner
Are you tired of promoting your product with no results? How would you like to wake up each morning only to find your email box filled with orders? That's where we come in. Give your website Top 10 Exposure across 100's of Search Engines and Web Directories delivering 150 Million+ Searches/Mo. $3 - $4/Month - Quick Inclusion - World Wide Placement! Your Keywords - No Bidding - No Click Fraud - Stats Tracking. Plus other free advertising tools when you signup.
b) PLACE YOUR AD ON 2,500,000+ SITES click here
g) SUBMIT YOU ADS AUTOMATICALLY TO 5 MILLION FFA sites, classifieds, ad boards and search engines. No downloads. click here
h) 100% FREE MARKETING TOOLS, RESOURCES AND GUIDES.(especially for Beginners)click here
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b) PLACE YOUR AD ON 2,500,000+ SITES click here
g) SUBMIT YOU ADS AUTOMATICALLY TO 5 MILLION FFA sites, classifieds, ad boards and search engines. No downloads. click here
h) 100% FREE MARKETING TOOLS, RESOURCES AND GUIDES.(especially for Beginners)click here
About the Author
Article Marketing Is to Build Traffic With Make Money 10 Tips by Sonu Seo
Together with the steady growth of the Internet, new technologies and how search engines such as Google collect and use the data, website marketing has also been steady progress. Many of the techniques used to market a website in the past can now get you banned from search engines. Although the basic website marketing has remained the same lot of new techniques increasingly popular ways to market a company. One of the best ways to market a new or old site is incompatible with Article marketing.
Article marketing is basically free, unless you to the outsourcing of work. Article marketing is a simple way to market a website. It is simply writing articles in connection with your product or service, then to the article directories and post to your websites, blogs and forum, in an effort to attract visitors to your site and money to do what is most important.
As editor for Post article and Seo an owner of several websites I have 10 large tips that I use and help you get started building traffic and earn money with Article marketing.
To start to write more articles will be published online. Write the item with a specific target group in mind. When writing the article to ensure that the article has relevant information. If the item is not relevant or a separate server ad for your site, it may not even in Article directories you submit it, and if it is added it will not attract Web traffic that includes potential consumers. It is very important that the articles contain detailed, useful information about whatever your article, which is based.
Spend some time to review article is based on the target market to see what is read and information. Do a keyword search on your target audience and see what people are looking for, that's usually a good sign, what information you should base the item at your destination.
In order to make money and build traffic with article marketing, you must make sure that the article is appropriate for your target audience, and you have all the necessary information about your product or service, the information for your target audience is looking for.
If the item is finished, there should be proof read by another person checks for any grammatical and spelling and typing errors. Proofreading and Editing is very important, a good article. Its credibility could be reduced in the eyes of your readers. In many cases, you can lose customers as a result of sloppiness.
Follow white hat techniques, where the information is genuine and appropriate, otherwise, as a website is the blocking of search engines.
When writing your articles and keep them precisely to the point. If the article is an unpleasant way, they lead to confusion, makes the reader lose interest in the article.
If your layout article it should have an introduction to the topic that leads the reader to the issue, that with the numbers, over the issue and then a conclusion on your topic. With the above layout gives the reader a way to understand your items and you can send your message better to your readers. Article with lists like this are also very popular.
Another possibility is to achieve high Articles SEO rankings is the use of keywords in your article. Keywords is one of the old base is essential is still on your site or Article ranking high in most search engines.
AdSense and AdWords is the most popular way to earn extra money, and you can read your article to encourage the marketing of these products, you have created and your AdSense ads or other Internet marketers.
A useful tip, should be reminded that the answers on how to money with Article Marketing is the product simply and lively to the reader enjoy reading the article.
One possibility is that the article is more enriched also links to other sites that may help your readers. Remember, they need to be helpful your readers not complete filling links and ads.
Our SEO Expert specialize in Seo technique including SEO Services means playing by the rules. SEO Experts use white-hat SEO methods that are beneficial to the Internet, search engines and clients.
About the Author
Our SEO Expert specialize in Seo technique including SEO Services means playing by the rules. SEO Experts use white-hat SEO methods that are beneficial to the Internet, search engines and clients.
Article marketing is basically free, unless you to the outsourcing of work. Article marketing is a simple way to market a website. It is simply writing articles in connection with your product or service, then to the article directories and post to your websites, blogs and forum, in an effort to attract visitors to your site and money to do what is most important.
As editor for Post article and Seo an owner of several websites I have 10 large tips that I use and help you get started building traffic and earn money with Article marketing.
To start to write more articles will be published online. Write the item with a specific target group in mind. When writing the article to ensure that the article has relevant information. If the item is not relevant or a separate server ad for your site, it may not even in Article directories you submit it, and if it is added it will not attract Web traffic that includes potential consumers. It is very important that the articles contain detailed, useful information about whatever your article, which is based.
Spend some time to review article is based on the target market to see what is read and information. Do a keyword search on your target audience and see what people are looking for, that's usually a good sign, what information you should base the item at your destination.
In order to make money and build traffic with article marketing, you must make sure that the article is appropriate for your target audience, and you have all the necessary information about your product or service, the information for your target audience is looking for.
If the item is finished, there should be proof read by another person checks for any grammatical and spelling and typing errors. Proofreading and Editing is very important, a good article. Its credibility could be reduced in the eyes of your readers. In many cases, you can lose customers as a result of sloppiness.
Follow white hat techniques, where the information is genuine and appropriate, otherwise, as a website is the blocking of search engines.
When writing your articles and keep them precisely to the point. If the article is an unpleasant way, they lead to confusion, makes the reader lose interest in the article.
If your layout article it should have an introduction to the topic that leads the reader to the issue, that with the numbers, over the issue and then a conclusion on your topic. With the above layout gives the reader a way to understand your items and you can send your message better to your readers. Article with lists like this are also very popular.
Another possibility is to achieve high Articles SEO rankings is the use of keywords in your article. Keywords is one of the old base is essential is still on your site or Article ranking high in most search engines.
AdSense and AdWords is the most popular way to earn extra money, and you can read your article to encourage the marketing of these products, you have created and your AdSense ads or other Internet marketers.
A useful tip, should be reminded that the answers on how to money with Article Marketing is the product simply and lively to the reader enjoy reading the article.
One possibility is that the article is more enriched also links to other sites that may help your readers. Remember, they need to be helpful your readers not complete filling links and ads.
Our SEO Expert specialize in Seo technique including SEO Services means playing by the rules. SEO Experts use white-hat SEO methods that are beneficial to the Internet, search engines and clients.
About the Author
Our SEO Expert specialize in Seo technique including SEO Services means playing by the rules. SEO Experts use white-hat SEO methods that are beneficial to the Internet, search engines and clients.
Web Site Traffic Generation Using Viral Marketing by David O Connell
In recent times, web site traffic generation using viral marketing has become the most popular way to boost the profit of a web site. Before knowing more about viral marketing, let us first understand what viral marketing is. Viral marketing is a marketing technique, which increases awareness of your products and services in the eye of readers. Viral marketing means carrying out a strategy that motivates people to transfer marketing contents to others.
This method of web site traffic generation helps you to make formidable profits by sending your message to thousands of individuals at a rapid multiplication rate. These message transfers are in the forms of flash messages, games, e-books, videos, images, text messages or branded software.
In this technique, a consumer satisfied with your information, informs other people about your products or services, thus increasing your sales. To implement this web site traffic generation tactic, you need to include certain strategies of viral marketing in your online venture.
Different Strategies of Viral Marketing:
1. Giving away free products:
The word free is the most effective and popular term that can increase the profit significantly. When you start an online business, to generate huge traffic flow, give away frees items such as free newsletter subscription, free information, free logos, free buttons free e-books or free software to your customers for the first few months.
This attracts the interest of consumers toward the products you are promoting. For instance, if they are used to receiving your free newsletters, they may eventually buy the products form your site. Later on, even after stopping this activity, your customers will continue buying products from you because they develop the customer-marketer relationship.
In short, giving away something free is favorable for earning residual income.
2. Adding a mail server:
Increase your web site traffic generation by adding the mail server. You need to invite people to your web site and ask them to make free E-mail ids. Whenever, they use your mail server, your URL is delivered to thousands of other individuals, too. This increases the publicity of your products and increasing number of people are likely to open their accounts and buy products from you.
3. Making use of common motivations:
Web site traffic generation increases only when your products lure the customers to buy. For this purpose, it is necessary to make use of motivations. Urge people to buy your products by making idealistic tag lines, headings or caption buttons such as ‘what are you waiting for, buy now’. Such motivational communication urges people to buy those products.
Take Advantage Of Social Networks:
Most people use social networking sites to interact with one another. Usually, individuals who participate in forums or chatting sites, have a network of at least eight to twelve close associates. Use this opportunity as a web site traffic generation tactic. Place your links in such sites. Individuals who visit such sites may at some or other times, purchase those products by clicking your web link. They eventually pass the message to their associates or forum friends who in turn, buy these products.
About the Author
David O Connell: How to get free web traffic to any site Reach Millions of highly targeted people with your ads and get massive amounts of traffic to your site
This method of web site traffic generation helps you to make formidable profits by sending your message to thousands of individuals at a rapid multiplication rate. These message transfers are in the forms of flash messages, games, e-books, videos, images, text messages or branded software.
In this technique, a consumer satisfied with your information, informs other people about your products or services, thus increasing your sales. To implement this web site traffic generation tactic, you need to include certain strategies of viral marketing in your online venture.
Different Strategies of Viral Marketing:
1. Giving away free products:
The word free is the most effective and popular term that can increase the profit significantly. When you start an online business, to generate huge traffic flow, give away frees items such as free newsletter subscription, free information, free logos, free buttons free e-books or free software to your customers for the first few months.
This attracts the interest of consumers toward the products you are promoting. For instance, if they are used to receiving your free newsletters, they may eventually buy the products form your site. Later on, even after stopping this activity, your customers will continue buying products from you because they develop the customer-marketer relationship.
In short, giving away something free is favorable for earning residual income.
2. Adding a mail server:
Increase your web site traffic generation by adding the mail server. You need to invite people to your web site and ask them to make free E-mail ids. Whenever, they use your mail server, your URL is delivered to thousands of other individuals, too. This increases the publicity of your products and increasing number of people are likely to open their accounts and buy products from you.
3. Making use of common motivations:
Web site traffic generation increases only when your products lure the customers to buy. For this purpose, it is necessary to make use of motivations. Urge people to buy your products by making idealistic tag lines, headings or caption buttons such as ‘what are you waiting for, buy now’. Such motivational communication urges people to buy those products.
Take Advantage Of Social Networks:
Most people use social networking sites to interact with one another. Usually, individuals who participate in forums or chatting sites, have a network of at least eight to twelve close associates. Use this opportunity as a web site traffic generation tactic. Place your links in such sites. Individuals who visit such sites may at some or other times, purchase those products by clicking your web link. They eventually pass the message to their associates or forum friends who in turn, buy these products.
About the Author
David O Connell: How to get free web traffic to any site Reach Millions of highly targeted people with your ads and get massive amounts of traffic to your site
Can You Make Money With Mammoth List? by Terry P Carter
Mammoth List is a new business opportunity that started back in May 2008 by Clay Montgomery. It requires a one time investment of $12 dollars making it available to just about everyone looking to make money online.
The idea with Clay Montgomery's mammoth list is that when you join up, you are paying $10 plus a $2 fee for the privilege to build a 'mammothlist' of interested business opportunity seekers as well as some serious income.
The way it works iswhen you sign up, you enter your name and email which gives you access to a member's area. Once you validate your email, you log in to the member's area of mammoth list.
There you will find a list of 5 names that you send $2.00 each to. You will need to open an Alert Pay account - which is like PayPal - in order to pay them. Once they have been paid you will be given your own personal referral link to start marketing mammoth list. Note - you want to make sure you sign up as a personal pro or business account with Alert pay so that you can receive unlimited funds.
You are then put in the number five position and those above you will each move up one position and the person previously in the #1 position is removed from the list. When I joined, Clay Montgomery was in the second position.
The goal is to get at least 20 people to sign up on your mammoth list referral site and then have each of them duplicate your results. So the payout starting with cycle one would be $40, then $800, then $16,000. You get the idea. But in network marketing, this is never the case.
Realistically, I this can make people who aggressively promote it several hundred to several thousand dollars over the next several months.
Because of the low price point of twelve dollars, it should appeal to those who have little money to invest in a business along with those with big lists looking for another stream of income. I would not spend much money to advertise or promote it, but instead concentrate on free advertising methods like free classifieds, traffic exchanges, lenes, fellow marketers, and videos.
About the Author
Can Mammoth List make $200,000 for you for only $12 dollars? Review site:
The idea with Clay Montgomery's mammoth list is that when you join up, you are paying $10 plus a $2 fee for the privilege to build a 'mammothlist' of interested business opportunity seekers as well as some serious income.
The way it works iswhen you sign up, you enter your name and email which gives you access to a member's area. Once you validate your email, you log in to the member's area of mammoth list.
There you will find a list of 5 names that you send $2.00 each to. You will need to open an Alert Pay account - which is like PayPal - in order to pay them. Once they have been paid you will be given your own personal referral link to start marketing mammoth list. Note - you want to make sure you sign up as a personal pro or business account with Alert pay so that you can receive unlimited funds.
You are then put in the number five position and those above you will each move up one position and the person previously in the #1 position is removed from the list. When I joined, Clay Montgomery was in the second position.
The goal is to get at least 20 people to sign up on your mammoth list referral site and then have each of them duplicate your results. So the payout starting with cycle one would be $40, then $800, then $16,000. You get the idea. But in network marketing, this is never the case.
Realistically, I this can make people who aggressively promote it several hundred to several thousand dollars over the next several months.
Because of the low price point of twelve dollars, it should appeal to those who have little money to invest in a business along with those with big lists looking for another stream of income. I would not spend much money to advertise or promote it, but instead concentrate on free advertising methods like free classifieds, traffic exchanges, lenes, fellow marketers, and videos.
About the Author
Can Mammoth List make $200,000 for you for only $12 dollars? Review site:
Monday, September 15, 2008
E-books and Affiliate Programs by Lee McCoy (Cal Direct)
Some E-books combine very well with an affiliate program. When the affiliate receives some extra benefit from promoting the viral message, like being able to brand your E-book with his affiliate links, the affiliate makes a sale when a reader buys through a branded link. You benefit from increased traffic on your website because the affiliate is willing to promote the E-books for you.
Be absolutely certain that your message includes a clear call to action. There shouldn’t be any doubt whatsoever about what you intend recipients to do. Make sure that the instructions are perfectly clear so that recipients know HOW to act. The action that you require should be simple and obvious as well. Don’t make things complicated or it will confuse the reader, such as by adding numerous links.
Remember the K.I.S.S. principle: Keep It Simple Stupid! The incentive should be clear to those you want to take an action. Readers will look at your offering for about seven seconds before they move on. If it takes longer than that for them to figure out what it is you want them to do, they will move on. Don’t make your message vague or difficult to comprehend. If you do, chances are you will lose them. You must respect your readers enough to express your message clearly.
Once you are sure you have an E-book that will be of value to an affiliate program, approach them with your idea and be able to show that it will be mutually beneficial.
Viral Marketing using E-books is one of many techniques that all together have a cumulative effect in attracting customers and subscribers to your business and in attracting targeted visitors to your website. You will very soon find out that this is an excellent way of increasing sales, subscribers and referrals.
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Be absolutely certain that your message includes a clear call to action. There shouldn’t be any doubt whatsoever about what you intend recipients to do. Make sure that the instructions are perfectly clear so that recipients know HOW to act. The action that you require should be simple and obvious as well. Don’t make things complicated or it will confuse the reader, such as by adding numerous links.
Remember the K.I.S.S. principle: Keep It Simple Stupid! The incentive should be clear to those you want to take an action. Readers will look at your offering for about seven seconds before they move on. If it takes longer than that for them to figure out what it is you want them to do, they will move on. Don’t make your message vague or difficult to comprehend. If you do, chances are you will lose them. You must respect your readers enough to express your message clearly.
Once you are sure you have an E-book that will be of value to an affiliate program, approach them with your idea and be able to show that it will be mutually beneficial.
Viral Marketing using E-books is one of many techniques that all together have a cumulative effect in attracting customers and subscribers to your business and in attracting targeted visitors to your website. You will very soon find out that this is an excellent way of increasing sales, subscribers and referrals.
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For more tips on how to make money online visit
3 Steps to Find Freebies to Add to Your E-book by Lee McCoy (Cal Direct)
Those of us who regularly shop on line are familiar with the array of free gifts, free bonuses and just plain freebies that are offered to a visitor to a website to encourage them to buy. How could you collect, select and offer free gifts, which will be valued as much as the original merchandise that is being purchased, put these gifts together and add them to your E-book? There are just three steps to do that very thing. They are:
1. Identify your key words in each chapter of your E-book. Now, type those words into your favorite search engine. You are looking for free E-books on the same subject in more depth, by a greater expert than you are, or by someone who gives a new and fresh angle to the topic. Add a link to the free E-book in each chapter of your E-book.
2. Research the Internet for related free gifts. Now you are looking for things that you could give as free gifts in your E-book that will make it more appealing and give it more pass-along appeal to your readers. For example: If you are selling gardening supplies, find a planting guide on the web that can be downloaded and include that as a gift in your E-book.
3. Download the freebies. Visit the freebies pages on those web sites. Most sites have freebies and encourage you to distribute them.
Other key words I searched for are freebies, free E-books, and free reports and then gave the key word that I wanted the free stuff for. Like… “freebies for gardenersâ€.
Give your reader the vest that you can offer. Give them your book, additional reading material and free gifts to boot. Everybody loves a bargain!
About the Author
For more tips on how to make money online visit
1. Identify your key words in each chapter of your E-book. Now, type those words into your favorite search engine. You are looking for free E-books on the same subject in more depth, by a greater expert than you are, or by someone who gives a new and fresh angle to the topic. Add a link to the free E-book in each chapter of your E-book.
2. Research the Internet for related free gifts. Now you are looking for things that you could give as free gifts in your E-book that will make it more appealing and give it more pass-along appeal to your readers. For example: If you are selling gardening supplies, find a planting guide on the web that can be downloaded and include that as a gift in your E-book.
3. Download the freebies. Visit the freebies pages on those web sites. Most sites have freebies and encourage you to distribute them.
Other key words I searched for are freebies, free E-books, and free reports and then gave the key word that I wanted the free stuff for. Like… “freebies for gardenersâ€.
Give your reader the vest that you can offer. Give them your book, additional reading material and free gifts to boot. Everybody loves a bargain!
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For more tips on how to make money online visit
Three measures to get Freebies to contribute to your viral ebooks by Bertrand Lee
People who on a regular basis shop on the web are acquainted with the range of gratis gifts, free incentives and just simple freebies that are provided to a visitant to an internet site to encourage them to purchase. How you may compile, pick out and propose gratis gifts, which will be treasured as very much like the original product that's being bought, place these gifts unitedly and insert them to ebook? There are simply 3 steps to execute:
1. Key out your primal words in all chapters of your ebook. At present, typewrite those words into your preferred SE. You're searching gratis ebooks along the similar field in more profoundness, by a more distinguished expert than you actually are, or by somebody who presents a modern and original angle to the subject. Insert a hyperlink to the free ebook in all the chapters of your ebook.
2. Enquiry the cyberspace for associated gratis gifts. Right away you're seeking things that you may hand as gratis gifts in your ebook that will cause it more attention-getting and make it further pass-along appealingness to your readers. For instance: If you're merchandising horticulture supplies, obtain a planting guidebook on the internet that may be downloaded and put that as a present in your ebook.
3. Download the freebies. See the freebies webpages about those internet sites. Nearly all web sites have freebies plus encourage you to share them.
Extra important words I researched for are freebies, gratis ebooks, and gratis reports and so gave the key word that I needed for the gratis stuff. Suchlike... "freebies for nurserymen".
Gift your lecturer the vest that you are able to offer. Hand them your book, supplementary learning stuff and gratis presents to boot. Everyone enjoys a bargain!
Learn how to Increase Traffic to your website with free viral marketing methods..
About the Author
Bertrand Lee is a strategy expert in the viral marketing arena.
1. Key out your primal words in all chapters of your ebook. At present, typewrite those words into your preferred SE. You're searching gratis ebooks along the similar field in more profoundness, by a more distinguished expert than you actually are, or by somebody who presents a modern and original angle to the subject. Insert a hyperlink to the free ebook in all the chapters of your ebook.
2. Enquiry the cyberspace for associated gratis gifts. Right away you're seeking things that you may hand as gratis gifts in your ebook that will cause it more attention-getting and make it further pass-along appealingness to your readers. For instance: If you're merchandising horticulture supplies, obtain a planting guidebook on the internet that may be downloaded and put that as a present in your ebook.
3. Download the freebies. See the freebies webpages about those internet sites. Nearly all web sites have freebies plus encourage you to share them.
Extra important words I researched for are freebies, gratis ebooks, and gratis reports and so gave the key word that I needed for the gratis stuff. Suchlike... "freebies for nurserymen".
Gift your lecturer the vest that you are able to offer. Hand them your book, supplementary learning stuff and gratis presents to boot. Everyone enjoys a bargain!
Learn how to Increase Traffic to your website with free viral marketing methods..
About the Author
Bertrand Lee is a strategy expert in the viral marketing arena.
Barter Companies And Small Business Trading by Terry Lamb
If you work with a barter company, it will be easier for you to both find a larger target market and to maintain your current loyal customers. Such a model is called "incremental business"-- the ability to find customers who will choose you over your competitors. The barter system will bring you new customers by allowing them to pay with products or services and thus saving them cash, something almost any business aims for.
You will still get paid your full retail prices when selling your goods and services to barter customers. Every season our customers seek up to date merchandise so retailers easily move inventory. Through the use of barter companies you will find willing buyers that will help you to cut back on the heavy cost of advertising, while moving surplus inventory without the need for costly discounting.
Barter companies coordinates the selling of surplus Inventory by negotiating for you to receive either the going price in the marketplace or your normal selling price to distributors. This allows you to maintain your current pricing integrity and upgrade your return on investment.
Barter income is treated the same as cash income. There are no tax advantages or disadvantages to bartering. Trade exchange should be considered a marketing tool, not a tax tool. Barter transactions typically involve companies with unsold goods on retail.
Larger enterprises and smaller firms too are making use of bartering nowadays to obtain and sell both merchandise and services. It is defined as exchanging products and services without any money changing hands. While such trading has existed both commercially and in deals between individuals for thousands of years, it has become significantly more popular since the later years of the 1900s.
It is a surprise to note that bartering in the world arena has proven to be a complement to economies based on refined marketplace and a way to remain in existence in declining economies. For example, in the United States, the dollar value of barter transactions grew, on an average, at approximately 16 percent annually for eleven years since 1987. On the other hand, nearly 76 percent of business transactions by major companies in tainted economies are on barter basis.
Every day, both materials and services are traded between small businesses. In a nutshell, this is small business marketing. A business arrangement is considered consummated if one company consents to exchange service or goods with another in return for something of similar value.
About the Author
If you work with a barter company, it will be easier for you to both find a larger target market and to maintain your current loyal customers. The barter companies assist you with bringing other business's excess inventory to your customers, thereby slashing the costs of advertising.
You will still get paid your full retail prices when selling your goods and services to barter customers. Every season our customers seek up to date merchandise so retailers easily move inventory. Through the use of barter companies you will find willing buyers that will help you to cut back on the heavy cost of advertising, while moving surplus inventory without the need for costly discounting.
Barter companies coordinates the selling of surplus Inventory by negotiating for you to receive either the going price in the marketplace or your normal selling price to distributors. This allows you to maintain your current pricing integrity and upgrade your return on investment.
Barter income is treated the same as cash income. There are no tax advantages or disadvantages to bartering. Trade exchange should be considered a marketing tool, not a tax tool. Barter transactions typically involve companies with unsold goods on retail.
Larger enterprises and smaller firms too are making use of bartering nowadays to obtain and sell both merchandise and services. It is defined as exchanging products and services without any money changing hands. While such trading has existed both commercially and in deals between individuals for thousands of years, it has become significantly more popular since the later years of the 1900s.
It is a surprise to note that bartering in the world arena has proven to be a complement to economies based on refined marketplace and a way to remain in existence in declining economies. For example, in the United States, the dollar value of barter transactions grew, on an average, at approximately 16 percent annually for eleven years since 1987. On the other hand, nearly 76 percent of business transactions by major companies in tainted economies are on barter basis.
Every day, both materials and services are traded between small businesses. In a nutshell, this is small business marketing. A business arrangement is considered consummated if one company consents to exchange service or goods with another in return for something of similar value.
About the Author
If you work with a barter company, it will be easier for you to both find a larger target market and to maintain your current loyal customers. The barter companies assist you with bringing other business's excess inventory to your customers, thereby slashing the costs of advertising.
Things You Need to Know About Viral Marketing? by Nizzura
When people mention the word "viral", the respondents would somehow become uneasy and strange vibes would circulate around the atmosphere. When you call yourself a "Viral Marketer", people would often think of things which are filthy, not clean, and non-productive. But this is not the case, but how is viral marketing defined? Viral, comes from the word "virus", this refined term in marketing world indicates that business does not depends on other stipulations, but business just expands itself, by replicating, just like what a virus does for reproduction.
Viral marketing describes any strategy that encourages individuals to pass on messages which contain information about business and marketing to others, and the same process goes on and on to the other individuals. Hence, viral marketing can create the potential of exponential growth of customers.
Normally, viral marketing spread through words between individuals. As the saying goes, word from mouth goes a long way. Thus, by conveying messages verbally from one person to the other can greatly be effective. But speaking of viral marketing in this advanced society, words are not the main method to spread marketing information, but instead, many viral marketers try various methods to spread information and promote their products.
In order to reach target audiences, viral marketers, in another word, viral agents must make ways for them to achieve the purpose. By taking advantage on Internet, viral agents normally spread and promote their products by sending e-mails to Internet users, and more often than not, they are more inclined to give out free gifts or free services to the internet users as well. The word "free" is the most important and powerful word in marketing world. Consequently, users which are attracted by the free gifts and services, will keen to spread the news to their friends, and presto! Money earned.
That is why; viral agents need to be carefully conveying messages to target audiences, so that you could prevent a bunch of unwanted traffic. If by any chance, target audiences are successfully reached; smooth transition is needed to be ensured, so that the business flow would not be interrupted.
About the Author
Nizzura is a full time internet marketer and earning full time income online since 2007. He have shared his method on getting free targeted free traffic and making money online in his 100+ page ebook entitled "Free Money Method".
You can grab the "Free Money Method" ebook at
Viral marketing describes any strategy that encourages individuals to pass on messages which contain information about business and marketing to others, and the same process goes on and on to the other individuals. Hence, viral marketing can create the potential of exponential growth of customers.
Normally, viral marketing spread through words between individuals. As the saying goes, word from mouth goes a long way. Thus, by conveying messages verbally from one person to the other can greatly be effective. But speaking of viral marketing in this advanced society, words are not the main method to spread marketing information, but instead, many viral marketers try various methods to spread information and promote their products.
In order to reach target audiences, viral marketers, in another word, viral agents must make ways for them to achieve the purpose. By taking advantage on Internet, viral agents normally spread and promote their products by sending e-mails to Internet users, and more often than not, they are more inclined to give out free gifts or free services to the internet users as well. The word "free" is the most important and powerful word in marketing world. Consequently, users which are attracted by the free gifts and services, will keen to spread the news to their friends, and presto! Money earned.
That is why; viral agents need to be carefully conveying messages to target audiences, so that you could prevent a bunch of unwanted traffic. If by any chance, target audiences are successfully reached; smooth transition is needed to be ensured, so that the business flow would not be interrupted.
About the Author
Nizzura is a full time internet marketer and earning full time income online since 2007. He have shared his method on getting free targeted free traffic and making money online in his 100+ page ebook entitled "Free Money Method".
You can grab the "Free Money Method" ebook at
Network Marketers - How To Improve Your Website Videos by Pam Hamilton
Network Marketers - How To Improve Your Video Presentations on Your Website! -- Lesson 1
The use of video presentation in the networkting arena is everywhere. Every network marketer in the world will tell you that you HAVE to get a webcam and make use of video presentations on our website to sell your opportunity. Utilizing YouTube is also hyped up as the greatest thing since sliced bread.
Don't misunderstand me, the availability of this technology for the average "Joe" is great. You no longer have to hire a firm to create these videos for you and when used correctly they can boost your audience.
The problem is, for the most part, the quality of these videos and presentations are terrible. Most of them consist of a "talking head" yammering at you about how their opportunity will make you rich. They do little to build your downline or sell your business.
Take a minute and think about the videos that you see on the professional websites. They make use of a lot of visuals that send a subliminal message. For example, a luxurious home on the beach showing people relaxing in the sun. The subliminal message here is that these people are wealthy enough to live the lifestyle you can only dream of. It draws you in to find out how they did it. Another visual they use is showing you mansion type homes and expensive cars. If you have ever watched a video by Mike Dillard, self-made millionaire internet entrepreneur, notice how he is always shown in a setting that says wealth. Lavish home, expensive car, whatever. The visual effect give him credibility and makes you believe that if he is that successful, then he surely has something of value to offer you.
What about your video? Are you standing in your den or kitchen in a polo shirt? Does your den or kitchen look like one that belongs to a wealthy, successful person or do you just look like Joe Blow trying to sell someone something so that you can make a few bucks off them? If you are talking to your downline and trying to convince them that if they will just follow your lead they will be successful, do you appear successful yourself? Do you look like you know the secret and they want to know what it is? Or does your video look like you just threw it together in 20 minutes and put it up? Re-watch it.
Does it draw YOU in?
Does it motivate YOU?
Does it make YOU want to buy?
Maybe it's time to do your homework, watch every good video you can remember ever seeing. Take notes on what attracts you to it. What is it that makes you think it's a good video? After you have your list of qualities and features a good video contains, take that list and start production on your new and improved video. Go stand outside someone else's mansion to film your video. Rent a Porsche or Lamborghini for the day and lean on the hood. If you're lucky enough to live near a exclusive resort on the beach, film yourself lounging on their beach with a cabana boy bringing your Mai Tai to you. Get the idea?
Also, don't be afraid to just show scenes and pictures of places that everyone would love to visit or live without you talking at all. Remember, there is a lot of power in the subliminal message and no words need to be spoken, just some appropriate soft background music or sound. Then at the end you after you have their attention you can say what you have to say.
Also, don't yell at your audience. I have seen numerous marketers videos where they are standing there yelling at me as if the volume of their voice will generate enthusiasm on my part. Frankly, they remind me of the Oxy-Clean man. Look again at a video of Mike Dillard's. He speaks quietly and projects himself as a expert who knows the "secret". You get the sense that you are listening to a professional. If you have'nt seen a video of Mike's you can get a seven day boot camp video of his free at I only refer to Mike Dillard's videos because he has impressed me with the quality. You may have other videos that you have seen.
I'm working on a second lesson on improving your website videos that I hope to publish in the next week or so. Don't miss it. I'm going to addressing the issue of a entire audience that you are losing and how to capture them.
Pam Hamilton I'm Here to Help
About the Author
Pam Hamilton provides a resource site for network marketers. Training materials, how-tos, job listings, business opportunities. 30 years of experience in technical training, video presentation, and public speaking.
The use of video presentation in the networkting arena is everywhere. Every network marketer in the world will tell you that you HAVE to get a webcam and make use of video presentations on our website to sell your opportunity. Utilizing YouTube is also hyped up as the greatest thing since sliced bread.
Don't misunderstand me, the availability of this technology for the average "Joe" is great. You no longer have to hire a firm to create these videos for you and when used correctly they can boost your audience.
The problem is, for the most part, the quality of these videos and presentations are terrible. Most of them consist of a "talking head" yammering at you about how their opportunity will make you rich. They do little to build your downline or sell your business.
Take a minute and think about the videos that you see on the professional websites. They make use of a lot of visuals that send a subliminal message. For example, a luxurious home on the beach showing people relaxing in the sun. The subliminal message here is that these people are wealthy enough to live the lifestyle you can only dream of. It draws you in to find out how they did it. Another visual they use is showing you mansion type homes and expensive cars. If you have ever watched a video by Mike Dillard, self-made millionaire internet entrepreneur, notice how he is always shown in a setting that says wealth. Lavish home, expensive car, whatever. The visual effect give him credibility and makes you believe that if he is that successful, then he surely has something of value to offer you.
What about your video? Are you standing in your den or kitchen in a polo shirt? Does your den or kitchen look like one that belongs to a wealthy, successful person or do you just look like Joe Blow trying to sell someone something so that you can make a few bucks off them? If you are talking to your downline and trying to convince them that if they will just follow your lead they will be successful, do you appear successful yourself? Do you look like you know the secret and they want to know what it is? Or does your video look like you just threw it together in 20 minutes and put it up? Re-watch it.
Does it draw YOU in?
Does it motivate YOU?
Does it make YOU want to buy?
Maybe it's time to do your homework, watch every good video you can remember ever seeing. Take notes on what attracts you to it. What is it that makes you think it's a good video? After you have your list of qualities and features a good video contains, take that list and start production on your new and improved video. Go stand outside someone else's mansion to film your video. Rent a Porsche or Lamborghini for the day and lean on the hood. If you're lucky enough to live near a exclusive resort on the beach, film yourself lounging on their beach with a cabana boy bringing your Mai Tai to you. Get the idea?
Also, don't be afraid to just show scenes and pictures of places that everyone would love to visit or live without you talking at all. Remember, there is a lot of power in the subliminal message and no words need to be spoken, just some appropriate soft background music or sound. Then at the end you after you have their attention you can say what you have to say.
Also, don't yell at your audience. I have seen numerous marketers videos where they are standing there yelling at me as if the volume of their voice will generate enthusiasm on my part. Frankly, they remind me of the Oxy-Clean man. Look again at a video of Mike Dillard's. He speaks quietly and projects himself as a expert who knows the "secret". You get the sense that you are listening to a professional. If you have'nt seen a video of Mike's you can get a seven day boot camp video of his free at I only refer to Mike Dillard's videos because he has impressed me with the quality. You may have other videos that you have seen.
I'm working on a second lesson on improving your website videos that I hope to publish in the next week or so. Don't miss it. I'm going to addressing the issue of a entire audience that you are losing and how to capture them.
Pam Hamilton I'm Here to Help
About the Author
Pam Hamilton provides a resource site for network marketers. Training materials, how-tos, job listings, business opportunities. 30 years of experience in technical training, video presentation, and public speaking.
Quit your 9 to 5 with BUM Marketing by Mike Edsel
Have you searched for that perfect part time job that allows you to work whenever, however you want? Looking for a income resource that will produce a regular monthly stream of income? Don't have the money to buy a business and need to make up your investment in a hurry?
Then BUM Marketing is the continous income system just for YOU!! With just a small investment less than $50 (two weeks worth of Mochas) you can be on your way to financial success measured only by your amount of hard work (two to three hours a day) and dedication to your goals and dreams. This is not a ponzy scheme promising you fortunes for doing nothing, but this small time and small investment is as close as you can get.
Get Your BUM Marketing NOW at:
This is quite simply the easiest method of making money I have experienced yet, with very little know how or skill involved. Most of the resources available to you for BUM Marketing completely FREE! No maintenance operating costs required! And if you do invest in tools available to you after starting up your cycle to making BUKO DINERO is even shorter!
What are you waiting for? Get started now and see results within the month. Good luck to you and your BUM Marketing!
About the Author
Mike was just a normal guy just looking for a way to get ahead. Tired of the BS in Internet Marketing and the garbage that the so called "gurus" bore you with on their endless pages of rambling. BUM Marketing is the method that he found to work best with the most consistent results for the least amount of work. No monthly service charges, just ALL the information and tools needed to start a successfull Internet Marketing business. Thanks.
Then BUM Marketing is the continous income system just for YOU!! With just a small investment less than $50 (two weeks worth of Mochas) you can be on your way to financial success measured only by your amount of hard work (two to three hours a day) and dedication to your goals and dreams. This is not a ponzy scheme promising you fortunes for doing nothing, but this small time and small investment is as close as you can get.
Get Your BUM Marketing NOW at:
This is quite simply the easiest method of making money I have experienced yet, with very little know how or skill involved. Most of the resources available to you for BUM Marketing completely FREE! No maintenance operating costs required! And if you do invest in tools available to you after starting up your cycle to making BUKO DINERO is even shorter!
What are you waiting for? Get started now and see results within the month. Good luck to you and your BUM Marketing!
About the Author
Mike was just a normal guy just looking for a way to get ahead. Tired of the BS in Internet Marketing and the garbage that the so called "gurus" bore you with on their endless pages of rambling. BUM Marketing is the method that he found to work best with the most consistent results for the least amount of work. No monthly service charges, just ALL the information and tools needed to start a successfull Internet Marketing business. Thanks.
WHY HIKING? by Rubby
Long ago, when the world was young, they roamed the Earth, your ancestors and mine. They trekked far and wide over mountain and desert, grassland and jungle, looking for food and shelter. They navigated by the sun and the stars. They slept out in the open under sheltering skies. They ate when they were hungry, rested when they were tired. For entertainment, they sang songs around the fire and spun a web of stories that was passed on as legend from generation to generation. They knew when the wind brought rain and when it was going to scorch the earth. They knew which plant could be eaten and which could be used to tip their arrows with deadly poison. Life was simpler then. The human being was just one more creature among many who happily ranged the Earth. Today, stuck in that traffic jam, breathing not air but a deadly cocktail of carbon monoxide and suspended particulate matter, this picture of human life may seem completely inaccessible, a frozen tableau in the dim and distant past. But before you give up all hope and submit to the tragic fate of being a citizen of an Indian metro with all its attendant features (diseased lungs, hypertension, obesity), take a hike. It will change your life, I promise. WHY HIKE? Coming down the mountain on the last day of the trek, I am always enveloped in a marvelous sense of well being. My legs feel strong, my backpack no longer weighs down heavily, my stomach muscles have tightened admirably, my skin glows healthily, and I almost feel invincible. This feeling actually lasts well into the third week of my return to the city. When I have managed a 17000 ft pass, forded rivers and successfully navigated my way through unknown terrain, the problems I face in the city are but piffling little setbacks.
The outdoor school Hiking and trekking are not about climbing summits. Each day is a challenge and pleasure as the land unfolds slowly in front of you, revealing its treasures: a waterfall, a magnificent deodar, a bird you’ve only recently learned to identify. Here’s your chance to recover some of that lost wisdom of your ancestors. Learn to predict weather from looking at the sky, tell the difference between a kite and a lammergeir, and learn to live on simple food that you have prepared yourself…. The list of your newly acquired skills can become impressively long.
Know thyself When you are trekking for five to seven hours every day, the walking becomes a kind of meditation as you pace your step and your breath. The mind goes into a relaxed and tranquil state, reflecting the solid mountain beneath you and the vast sky above you. Stopping for a break at the top of a pass, you are overcome by a deep sense of oneness with the whole universe. On a hike you can also learn a lot about yourself and your limitations: how to deal with fears and challenges? Are you someone who gives up easily of do you push yourself to find new strength? How do you cope with emergencies?
Lose those unwanted pounds Admit it, no matter what the variation in routine, the gym is precisely that: routine, which can get quite boring. Hiking is a wonderful and interesting way to knock off at last two-three kilograms a week. Your body becomes incredibly strong, your stamina increases, and you simply radiate good health. If your kids are turning into TV or Internet junkies, cure them with a regular dose of exercise on the trail.
The great cementer There is perhaps no better way of bonding with family, friends or colleagues than by going on a hike together. It’s probably that nomadic gene of our ancestors that makes us connect so marvelously well with those we walk. After all, the tribe stuck together when they crossed those mountains and rivers and jungles. The adventure, the exercise every day, climbing a pass together, experiencing the beauty of nature together cooking and hanging out by a campfire at night all seem to bring you closer to your loved ones. Introduced to nature in this manner, your children will thank you forever for this precious gift.
Did you find this article useful? For more useful tips, hints, guide and points to ponder pertaining to traveling, do please browse at our websites.
About the Author
The outdoor school Hiking and trekking are not about climbing summits. Each day is a challenge and pleasure as the land unfolds slowly in front of you, revealing its treasures: a waterfall, a magnificent deodar, a bird you’ve only recently learned to identify. Here’s your chance to recover some of that lost wisdom of your ancestors. Learn to predict weather from looking at the sky, tell the difference between a kite and a lammergeir, and learn to live on simple food that you have prepared yourself…. The list of your newly acquired skills can become impressively long.
Know thyself When you are trekking for five to seven hours every day, the walking becomes a kind of meditation as you pace your step and your breath. The mind goes into a relaxed and tranquil state, reflecting the solid mountain beneath you and the vast sky above you. Stopping for a break at the top of a pass, you are overcome by a deep sense of oneness with the whole universe. On a hike you can also learn a lot about yourself and your limitations: how to deal with fears and challenges? Are you someone who gives up easily of do you push yourself to find new strength? How do you cope with emergencies?
Lose those unwanted pounds Admit it, no matter what the variation in routine, the gym is precisely that: routine, which can get quite boring. Hiking is a wonderful and interesting way to knock off at last two-three kilograms a week. Your body becomes incredibly strong, your stamina increases, and you simply radiate good health. If your kids are turning into TV or Internet junkies, cure them with a regular dose of exercise on the trail.
The great cementer There is perhaps no better way of bonding with family, friends or colleagues than by going on a hike together. It’s probably that nomadic gene of our ancestors that makes us connect so marvelously well with those we walk. After all, the tribe stuck together when they crossed those mountains and rivers and jungles. The adventure, the exercise every day, climbing a pass together, experiencing the beauty of nature together cooking and hanging out by a campfire at night all seem to bring you closer to your loved ones. Introduced to nature in this manner, your children will thank you forever for this precious gift.
Did you find this article useful? For more useful tips, hints, guide and points to ponder pertaining to traveling, do please browse at our websites.
About the Author
Finding and comparing eBook Compilers by Manojj Kumarr
Now that you've finished writing your eBook and have a basic understanding of what an eBook compiler does, you may be feeling overwhelmed by the number of compilers on the market. To help you make your decision, I have tested and reviewed the best-rated eBook compilers currently available.
* E-ditor
This software has a demo version that you can download to try out before purchasing. You can't actually use the demo to create an eBook, but you can run the software and test it out thoroughly to see if it does what you need it to do for your particular eBook.
This eBook compiler is one of the easiest to use. The software has a very user-friendly help menu that provides instructions for and explanations of every field on every screen. The program also includes video tutorials demonstrating every step of this compiler with clear explanations of all fields that need to be filled out. There are 7 screens that you use to choose your eBook options.
This compiler requires your files to be in HTML format. You follow simple directions, and the compiler loads your files. If you decide to edit your eBook after it has been compiled, make any changes in your original files and click on "Compile you eBook" and your changes will appear in your compiled eBook.
E-editor allows for some customization of your eBook. You can create a special page that appears when the eBook is opened; create customized icons that appear on the desktop after downloading; use your own logo on the task bar of your eBook; customize the task bar's buttons, where the task bar appears in your eBook, and choose the task bar's colors. Additionally, you can choose to have the eBook open to the last page read, which many of your buyers will appreciate.
An excellent and unique feature of E-ditor is the capability to choose a standard Microsoft window or to create your own design for a window to personalize your eBook. The program provides some sample window designs, but you can use any .bmp (bit map skin) graphic you have stored on your hard drive.
E-ditor is a good choice if you are new at producing eBooks because it is easy to use and allows you to customize the appearance of your eBook.
Ebook Edit Pro is loaded with excellent features that allow you to create multi-media Ebooks, and includes a Wizard that is customized for beginners and for advanced users. The software uses HTML files, downloading them from the directory where they are saved. Edit and resave your files in the original software used to create those files, and then with a single click you can re-compile your Ebook.
Features include customization of icons, toolbars, and the "about box." This compiler has a particularly useful feature called the Rebrander feature. This permits you to enter customized code into your Ebook pages and distribute the Rebrander software to your affiliates or distributors. They can then customize the links included in the Ebook, but they can not alter any link or information that you have not entered a customized code for.
The software includes "eBrand-It" software that allows custom fields for your customer's name, affiliate ID or URL. This feature is a powerful marketing tool because affiliates are much happier giving away your Ebook from their own site when they can customize it.
* Ebook Compiler
This compiler offers a demo version that allows you to compile 10 files. If you don't include graphics, you can create a 10 page Ebook that allows printing and copying of the Ebook. The catch is that you can't sell any Ebook you create in the demo version.
The purchased software is user-friendly with easy-to-follow help files that not only guide you through the steps of compiling your Ebook, but also explains what an Ebook compiler does. The software provides detailed instructions on how to create source files from Microsoft Word 2000 and 1997, PowerPoint 2000 and 1997, and HTML documents. It contains less detailed instructions for creating source files from other programs.
This compiler allows for password protection of your entire Ebook or for selected pages. Additionally, you can set a time limit on your Ebook. When the runs out, the customer no longer has access unless they pay for it. In other words, it allows you to create a demo version of your Ebook for marketing purposes.
You can set a single password or multiple passwords. Using multiple passwords assigns each user their own specific password. Online help files guide you through setting up your passwords. You can also create a Sales and Thank-you page for selling a password protected Ebook. This is a good choice for the novice, particularly since it includes basic features for password protection and distribution.
Ebook Creator is another excellent compiler, supporting HTML, JPEG, GIF, and PNG graphics, and Javascript, VB script, and Java applets. It also supports all Internet Explorer plug-ins. Standard features include unique serial numbers, direct linking to a form or a page on your website, disabled right clicking, and search functions. The software allows for expiration after a set number of days or usages, which allows you to create demo versions. You can create up to 1000 different passwords; every time the Ebook is downloaded, a unique password is required to access protected pages. The software provides user-friendly menus and buttons that allow the beginner to the advanced user to easily create their Ebook.
About the Author
For more useful tips & hints, please browse for more information at our website:-
* E-ditor
This software has a demo version that you can download to try out before purchasing. You can't actually use the demo to create an eBook, but you can run the software and test it out thoroughly to see if it does what you need it to do for your particular eBook.
This eBook compiler is one of the easiest to use. The software has a very user-friendly help menu that provides instructions for and explanations of every field on every screen. The program also includes video tutorials demonstrating every step of this compiler with clear explanations of all fields that need to be filled out. There are 7 screens that you use to choose your eBook options.
This compiler requires your files to be in HTML format. You follow simple directions, and the compiler loads your files. If you decide to edit your eBook after it has been compiled, make any changes in your original files and click on "Compile you eBook" and your changes will appear in your compiled eBook.
E-editor allows for some customization of your eBook. You can create a special page that appears when the eBook is opened; create customized icons that appear on the desktop after downloading; use your own logo on the task bar of your eBook; customize the task bar's buttons, where the task bar appears in your eBook, and choose the task bar's colors. Additionally, you can choose to have the eBook open to the last page read, which many of your buyers will appreciate.
An excellent and unique feature of E-ditor is the capability to choose a standard Microsoft window or to create your own design for a window to personalize your eBook. The program provides some sample window designs, but you can use any .bmp (bit map skin) graphic you have stored on your hard drive.
E-ditor is a good choice if you are new at producing eBooks because it is easy to use and allows you to customize the appearance of your eBook.
Ebook Edit Pro is loaded with excellent features that allow you to create multi-media Ebooks, and includes a Wizard that is customized for beginners and for advanced users. The software uses HTML files, downloading them from the directory where they are saved. Edit and resave your files in the original software used to create those files, and then with a single click you can re-compile your Ebook.
Features include customization of icons, toolbars, and the "about box." This compiler has a particularly useful feature called the Rebrander feature. This permits you to enter customized code into your Ebook pages and distribute the Rebrander software to your affiliates or distributors. They can then customize the links included in the Ebook, but they can not alter any link or information that you have not entered a customized code for.
The software includes "eBrand-It" software that allows custom fields for your customer's name, affiliate ID or URL. This feature is a powerful marketing tool because affiliates are much happier giving away your Ebook from their own site when they can customize it.
* Ebook Compiler
This compiler offers a demo version that allows you to compile 10 files. If you don't include graphics, you can create a 10 page Ebook that allows printing and copying of the Ebook. The catch is that you can't sell any Ebook you create in the demo version.
The purchased software is user-friendly with easy-to-follow help files that not only guide you through the steps of compiling your Ebook, but also explains what an Ebook compiler does. The software provides detailed instructions on how to create source files from Microsoft Word 2000 and 1997, PowerPoint 2000 and 1997, and HTML documents. It contains less detailed instructions for creating source files from other programs.
This compiler allows for password protection of your entire Ebook or for selected pages. Additionally, you can set a time limit on your Ebook. When the runs out, the customer no longer has access unless they pay for it. In other words, it allows you to create a demo version of your Ebook for marketing purposes.
You can set a single password or multiple passwords. Using multiple passwords assigns each user their own specific password. Online help files guide you through setting up your passwords. You can also create a Sales and Thank-you page for selling a password protected Ebook. This is a good choice for the novice, particularly since it includes basic features for password protection and distribution.
Ebook Creator is another excellent compiler, supporting HTML, JPEG, GIF, and PNG graphics, and Javascript, VB script, and Java applets. It also supports all Internet Explorer plug-ins. Standard features include unique serial numbers, direct linking to a form or a page on your website, disabled right clicking, and search functions. The software allows for expiration after a set number of days or usages, which allows you to create demo versions. You can create up to 1000 different passwords; every time the Ebook is downloaded, a unique password is required to access protected pages. The software provides user-friendly menus and buttons that allow the beginner to the advanced user to easily create their Ebook.
About the Author
For more useful tips & hints, please browse for more information at our website:-
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