We all know that the power of seduction can be very powerful. Internet marketers use simple search engine seduction steps for the purpose and intent of article marketing on a daily basis. Now, you too, can learn these seduction strategies! The purpose is to ensure that your articles are attractive to the popular search engines, like Yahoo and Google. If your articles can appeal to these types of search engines, you are likely to find that your article campaign is a success. Here, you will be given 5 simple search engine seduction secrets that will result in your success as an article marketer.
1. The first step to successfully seducing search engines is to compose an article on a topic that is considered hot! Chances are, you probably already have an idea on what it is that you want to write about. The next step is to make it work towards topics that are already hot among internet users. Let's say that you are selling HEPA vacuum cleaners. Well, this may be an interesting topic, but what is even more interesting is something like 'how to eliminate those nasty allergy symptoms', and then tying in the element of choosing a HEPA vacuum cleaner for the purpose of reducing allergens in the air.
2. You've got your topic all picked out, and it is a hot one, so next comes the title. I cannot express the importance of a catchy, attractive title enough. You know that title that I mentioned before about allergies? 'how to eliminate those nasty allergy symptoms'? Let's power it up a little just to appeal to search engines, and all those allergy sufferers out there! How about 'the secret to eliminating allergy symptoms forever!', or, 'the most powerful and effective discovery for allergy symptoms to date!', all of these types of titles pull in traffic and search engines cannot resist the headline seduction!
3. Recently, I ran across a little principle that is referred to as 'AIDA' when it comes to article writing. It basically goes like this: Pull the attention of your readers and you will develop an interest. Once the interest of the reader has been peaked, a natural desire to learn and/or do more will occur. Then, the most important part is easy, and that is the 'action' that you want your readership to take after reading your article. If you compose your content with this strategy, you are sure to be highly seductive among search engines!
4. Next, you want to ensure that you include an author bio box. In this bio box, remember that you are selling not only your product, but you are also selling yourself! Include a link to your website, and be certain to include a specific call to action for your readers to follow! Hey, those search engines will stand to attention and follow your call to action too!
5. Now, comes the ultimate seduction strategy promote your articles! There are many effective means of doing just this. Social bookmarking websites, backlinking, hyperlinking, all of these are the top seduction strategies when it comes to search engines and being properly optimized on search engines!
If you want your articles and your website to be successful when it comes to search engine seduction, these strategies can assist you! eed to know exactly how you plan to use your Ebook and what functions you require.
About the Author
We all know that the power of seduction can be very powerful. Internet marketers use simple search engine seduction steps for the purpose and intent of article marketing on a daily basis. Now, you
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