Monday, September 15, 2008

Your Double Opt-in List by M Murphy

As you consider building your list you need to think about building your list and having a double opt-in list. There are often debates around as to whether you should have a single or double opt-in. Some people think that if you use the double opt-in you will find that not everyone will confirm that they want to be on your mailing list.

But, these same people forget some of the most important rules, if you are offering something so great which gets them to sign up, then you will find they will be looking for that confirmation email. Think about it for a moment, you want to build your mailing list. You know that the money is in the list, and they say that each member is worth around $1 a month. Now, the more subscribers you have the more your list is worth.

"How do you get people to sign up?" is the question that is so often asked. People keep repeating the same formula, put a hook on your page, and then get them to sign up. The hook might be a free gift, or the promise of something, but too often, people will sign up for the free offer, and then unsubscribe almost immediately.

You see, the question should be "How do you get people to sign up?" but "How do you keep people on your mailing list?" Do you see the difference there? People remain on a list when they know there is something in it for them. It might be financial, the biggest incentive you can offer them is, and why you would use a downline builder to do that. But it might be good content that will help build their business as well.

You need to know what the hook is that will keep them coming back for more. But, even better is when you have a viral network, who not only come back for more, but tell everybody they know that they should sign up and come back for more.

Are you seeing the difference in thinking here? It will make a huge difference to you as an online business owner. It is the difference between a three, four or five figure income each month. Yes, it really will take you to a new level in your business, as you see more and more people signing up for your double opt-in list.

But, you should also remember it isn't just about building your list. If you have people who are spreading the news of your business, then that will be easy to do. What you need to work on and continue to work on is the information you give them on a regular basis. It shouldn't only be great content, but also great products which you sell them. If you have products which are related to the content then you will see more and more income from your subscribers. Treasure your list, and work on keeping them rather than getting them to sign up originally.

About the Author

This article with useful information about the importance of list building to increase your bottom line and ultimately your profits was brought to you by Michael Murphy. Try visiting also his list building site at

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