Monday, September 15, 2008

The SEO Power of Article Directory Submissions by Grace Chen

In the age of competitive PPC campaigns and endless websites competing for the same readers, the importance of SEO continues to escalate. Enjoying natural results listings in the search engine is almost an advertising dream come true - you enjoy endless exposure from the largest sources of targeted traffic, yet it is absolutely free.

Although climbing to the top of the mountain of search engine results is not easy, it is not Mt. Everest - especially if you have the help of article directory submissions on your side.

Building SEO with article directory submissions

Article directory submissions are a very important part of any website's marketing strategy, whether large or small. The search engines determine the value of your website based upon how many other sites link to you - and your "page rank" has a tremendous influence on how well you are ranked in natural search engine results. One of the most effective ways to garner links to your website is to hire a freelance writer to create valuable, interesting articles related to your website, and then to submit this content through article directory submissions. Each article will present an opportunity for you to link back to your website through the resource box.

Ensure your freelance article writer creates valuable content

Whereas some webmasters take the opportunity presented by article directories to market themselves, that is not the intended purpose. Instead, your freelance article writer needs to create an informative, valuable article that gives solid knowledge to readers. It should not be a sales piece, but rather an article that expounds upon your industry. This helps to cement your authority and expertise in the industry; remember, you do not want to be viewed by consumers as an "advertiser," but rather as an expert who has valuable information to share.

Write a compelling resource box for your article directory submissions

Too many authors do not capitalize upon the great opportunity presented by the resource or biography box in article directory submissions. Simply including a link to your website is not sufficient in taking advantage of that excellent marketing space. Remember, your article should be informative and valuable, but you do have a welcome opportunity to market yourself in the resource box.

Have your freelance article writer create a resource box that not only discusses your company, but compels readers to click on your links and visit your site. You can always mention the additional resources you have on your website as an enticement. Feel free to discuss your expertise, experience, and company specialty in the resource box. Take advantage of this excellent marketing space!

Publish your content through article directory submissions

With a valuable, informative article, you can approach the article directories and submit your content for publication. For webmasters that have busy schedules, you can employ a company that will manually submit the articles on your behalf. If this is the case, make sure the company you hire utilizes a manual submission process, as the results are significantly different than the submission software upon which the directories frown.

With a freelance article writer composing valuable content on your behalf, along with a manual article directory submission service, you enjoy a hands-free process that will build your online authority, your backlinks, and the critically important SEO.

About the Author

Discover how the right content can optimize your company's revenues by visiting our Business Guides. offers powerful freelance writing services, whether you need valuable ghostwritten articles or engaging, converting web copy.

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