Do you want to make money from home using viral marketing? Like most people, you've probably heard the phrase "viral marketing" but you don't really know what it means. defines viral marketing as "any marketing technique that induces Web sites or users to pass on a marketing message to other sites or users, creating a potentially exponential growth in the message's visibility and effect."
In other words, someone posts in forums or emails a few people about a certain topic (a specific product or service) with the hope that they will find it compelling enough to spread the word about it, too. Consider viral marketing to be a type of chain letter, but without the usual promise of bad luck for not forwarding it along.
In order to practice viral marketing, you need to have something to sell. There are several options. The simplest way is to create your own product. Ebooks are great for this. Use a topic you already know a lot about. The subject can be as broad as "Freshwater Fish Care," or as specific as "How To Care for Albino Bushy-Nosed Plecos" (going after such a specific small audience is called "niche marketing").
Now that you have your ebook, you will need to sell it. There are many ways to go about doing this. For starters, you can sell it yourself. Get your own website and put your viral marketing plan into action! There are also people you can find that want to sell your ebook for you! These are called affiliates. There are many sources of free information on the internet that can give you ideas about how to market your ebook and find affiliates. Here's a good place to start.
If you're not a good writer (or can't think of a good subject)- No problem! You can buy resale rights for ebooks written by other authors and sell them using your name! This is known as re-branding. Again, there's lots of information on the web about how to do this.
One more way to use viral marketing is to be an affiliate and market existing products. You can earn a percentage of the sales you generate. There's an enourmous range of items you can be an affiliate for. There are "real" products (like jewelry, beauty products, diet pills, etc.), services (like mentoring home business start-ups or newbie stock traders), and informational products (like our favorite- the ebook!).
I gave viral marketing a whirl after I read Harvey Segal's free ebook The Ultimate SuperTip.
Please note that this article is original material. I've summed up the info I've been researching on the internet. There are no copied quotes from any stock sales listings.
I read this book and decided to sign on after doing MANY Google searches to see if it was a scam. I was amazed that I never came across even one negative comment about the Supertip book! Do your own search and check the results. I only found positive reviews.
Harvey Segal is known to be one of the top internet marketing gurus. He's known for his work with ClickBank and for his "SuperTips" ebooks. He has many other ebooks dealing with different areas of internet marketing, but this one is FREE.
The SuperTip ebook has much more information about the subjects I've discussed in this article. However, the most amazing area of the book is the much appreciated "Chapter 5." It explains that the book itself is a great example of viral marketing. You also learn how to sign up for the affiliate program. It's a great deal- it pays 100%! Pretty nifty idea, right? Read the free ebook to see how it's done!
After I saw that there wasn't anything to indicate a scam, I wanted to learn how much cash people are really making with this. I did more internet searches. The profits reported ranged from $50 to $600 per month. So it probably won't make you filthy rich, but it can generate some extra money. Small, but continuous income of any type is a wonderful thing!
If you don't want to become an affiliate, it's still worth reading for all the great internet marketing info. No personal information is asked for to get the ebook. You don't even need to give your email address so you won't get put on any irritating mailing lists for spam. And you can't beat free!
Reading The Ultimate SuperTip is an easy way to learn more about making money from home with viral marketing!
About the Author
I'm a stay at home mom with a son that has Asperger's Syndrome (a type of high functioning autism). I can't work in a traditional job setting, so I've been researching ways to make money from home. Please visit my blog at for more info.
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