Internet poker has gained popularity as gaming enthusiasts have discovered the fun and enjoyment of playing cards online. A player can sit at a poker table at any time of the day or night, and play cards with other individuals and friends from all parts of the world on his laptop or desk top at the comfort of his home. The increased exposure of viral games has also played a great part in the current poker explosion and the game is certainly enjoying the increase in popularity. Viral marketing is a marketing tool that encourages people to pass along a marketing message, to produce increase in brand awareness or to achieve product sales. The assumption is that if such an advertisement reaches a user, that user will become "infected with the viral" (sign up for a poker account) and can then go on to "infect" other users. WOW! The marketing gurus at have just done that with their new release of the exciting basket ball game. In it's first week this campaign has been played by 160,000 unique visitors with over 20,000 clicking through to own site to learn more about poker. So Watch out for this game! Those sneaky baskets have an annoying habit of moving about! You'll need to make quick decisions too because the later rounds gets faster and faster, but at the end if you're quick-witted enough the winners who register at get a 100% bonus on their deposit of the site, and get reward points for every friend they refer to come and deposit.
About the Author
Written By Robert Border, former twenty year veteran of Las Vegas Hotel & Casino Industry and a A Poker Enthusiastic. to know more about Robert Border, visit his website
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