Monday, September 15, 2008

How Will Picking Cherries Help Your Internet Marketing Success? by Guy Siverson

Ever pick cherries before?

I've visited more U-Pick places since my marriage in 2007 than probably the entire rest of my life combined. I'm not complaining mind you, it's fun. However, while picking cherries earlier today it reminded me of the early days in my life as an Internet Marketer.

How does standing on a ladder while removing berries from branches remind me of Internet Marketing? Easy. You gaze into the tree and your eyes quickly fasten on the upper branches where the lion's share of the cherries are. Before succumbing to the temptation of climbing up to these harder to reach areas realize that since they are higher they will take longer to obtain. Sure they are worth going for, as long as you are aware of the sacrifices involved.

Similarly, how many Internet Marketing E-Books have you been offered that promised you the moon. Most all of them will tell you that anyone can do this or that and they are probably right. However you are not "anyone", but rather you are likely the "only one" that will help you realize your Internet Marketing dreams. As such you have a choice. Spend your time...

Reading 1000 E-books Listening to 500 audio files Watching 5000 videos


Really get something done.

Gaining knowledge is always good. But if you don't end up doing anything with the knowledge that you have gained what good is it?

Most everyone that wants to sell you the latest best Internet Marketing offer is pointing you to the high fruit while knowing full well that you will probably that have what it takes to secure your share. Why would they do this? No reason, other than it gives them a larger share of the crop to consume when they have you conveniently out of the way.

That said. Here are some down to earth basic ways of reaping your harvest from the low hanging fruit.


Do whatever you need to do to narrow down to a single topic and follow it like the plague. I didn't do this with one of my first websites on Treadmills and found the painful result being that I had no real information to share, and worse yet I really didn't care about the subject I had selected.


Now that you have a topic, look at all the different E-books, audio files, and videos that you are interested in and pick only a couple to follow. Whichever one's you choose make sure that you follow their exact directions at least to start with. Sure you may have a better way, but they are hopefully speaking from a position of experience that you can learn and grow from.


Yes, it's a whole lot safer to bask in the victories of someone else's material. But that certainly won't put a cherry pie on the table, much less pay your bills. So set a plan and do something. Even if you discover you have done the wrong thing. DO IT! If you don't lose trying you will never achieve success. When you find that you have created a dead-end trail, brush yourself off and start again. Don't wallow in your failure, but keep moving forward.


Just as you have found so many resources for successful Internet Marketing you will also find a million ways to market on line. Don't try everything at once. They will wait for you if they are worth their salt.

Here's one possible 30-day path. It is certainly not set in stone, but rather it is simply meant as an idea for you to build your own Internet Marketing success upon.

1. Create a blog for your given niche (Day 1) 2. Write 10 articles related to your given niche (Day 2-10) 3. Submit your articles to article directories like (Day 10-12) 4. Create a website that focuses on your article (Day 13-15) 5. Continue to write articles while exploring social networking and bookmarking websites. (Day 15-20) 6. Join and setup one social network and one social bookmarking site. (Day 20-25) 7. Build upon the above while continuing to branch out.

Notice that I'm not telling you to shoot for the moon on the first day or even the first month. Nor is the above idea exhaustive by any means. For example, I didn't say anything about SEO. But the idea is your doing something.

With that said, there are E-Materials out there that will tell you that you can succeed overnight with Internet Marketing. Who knows, perhaps their right. Just as it's no lie that the best cherries are near the top of the tree. While picking cherries I stepped to high and kicked the bucket off the ladder. Cherries went everywhere. You certainly don't want to "kick the bucket" of your Internet Marketing dreams do you? Therefore, start simple and keep moving forward. Doing so you will become an expert Internet Marketer and before you know it you'll be reaping the lion's share of the crop without even trying.

About the Author

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